"Arrival" by Jol Allson

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New Republic Function Amphitheatre, Coruscant, One year before formation of Rogue Squadron, 19:07 GST

Lieutenant Mike Antilles stepped up to the podium. General Dodonna turned to face him. The senior General smiled at him.

'Lieutenant Antilles, your research into turbolaser technology, which knocked three seconds off of the re-load time, among other things makes me able to present you the Organa Medallion for aid to the New Republic.'

Mike shook the senior officer's hand and took the offered box before stepping down. He quickly walked out of the huge amphitheatre and took a short air-taxi ride to his apartment.

He chucked the box onto a shelf with about seven other, stripped out of his annoying dress uniform and into some comfortable, but smart clothes. He exited the apartment as swiftly as he'd left the awards ceremony.

Trust command to put the ceremony ten minutes before my date.

Even though Mike was only just a Senior Engineer in the New Republic Military, he'd already received all but one of the awards given for exemplary service in the field of Engineering and was the envy of most of his piers and commanders. He looked down at his chrono, set, as usual, to Corellian time and swore. Unlike most of the population of Coruscant, he didn't use Galactic standard time, instead using Corellia's daily clock and applying that time to everything he did. His chrono was either fast, or he was five minutes late. It was probably the latter.

So much for being on time.

Mike hopped into his speeder and started it up. He shot off above most of the evening traffic towards another residential block a quarter of a klick away. He dodged traffic using his piloting skill, which although was second to his engineering skill was still good, as most Correllian's was.

He swooped down and landed in an empty parking space. Jumping out of the speeder he pelted up the stairs to Kei's apartment. He hit the doorjam. The door slid open and Kei stood there, a look of mock anger on her face.

'I'm sorry. I got held up,' Mike explained in a hurry.

Kei smiled back at him, 'I know. I saw you on the holonet 2 minutes after you were supposed to be here.'

Mike kissed her, 'Hey, I can't help that I'm such a good Engineer!'

She shot him a look of mock surprise. 'Really? Are we going, or what? You said you'd booked the table for nine.'

'Well actually, it doesn't matter what time we get there, we're not going to a restaurant.'

For the first time, Lieutenant Kei Shallow, looked surprised, 'So where are we going for dinner?'

'The Turnover.'

'And we're eating how?'

'I'm cooking you dinner at this moment, so actually, if we want there to be a ship there when we arrive, I suggest we go now.'

'Okay, let me get my coat.'

A few second later, Kei re-appeared. Mike now looked down at her dress. It was a shade away from midnight black, with pinpricks of light that changed colour depending on the angle you viewed them from. Mike took up her arm and they walked up to the roof.

'Where are we going, your speeder's down.'

'Ah, who said anything about going to my speeder? We're getting picked up.'

Starfighter Command Headquarters Building, Coruscant, Three Months Later, 07:00 GST

Flight Officer Seyla Starrider, Kei's wingman, sat cleaning her blaster, it was an old model DL-17, but it was in prime condition, she sighted it at the furthest wall of the circular briefing room. Happy with the alignment she holstered the blaster and stashed the cloth in a pocket of her orange flight suit. The door at the top of the stairs to her left swished open and Commander Tevron, the Mon Calamari CO of Fortune Squadron walked in. He looked around and nodded to Seyla. He walked down to the holo-projector in the center of the room.

'Good morning people, and welcome to all the new members of the squadron,' he pulled a Mon Cal version of a smile and continued. Seyla looked around the amphitheater for her wingman. Where on Coruscant is Kei? she thought. She looked back towards the Commander, he was looking at her.

'Flight Officer Starrider?'

'Oh, sorry, sir.'

'Do you know where Lieutenant Shallow is?'

At that moment the door slid open and Kei burst into the room still pulling the jacket of her uniform on. She ran quickly down to Commander Tevron, snapped to attention and saluted, 'Reporting for duty, sir. Sorry I'm late.'

'Why were you late?'

'I...er...I overslept, sir.'

'Very well, but expect my Executive Officer to be on time.'

'Yes, sir. It won't happen again, sir,' she walked quickly over to stand at the other side of the holo-projector.

'Continuing, we're receiving a new Chief Engineer. He should be here in a minute, no, hang on a minute, this can't be right.'

The door slid open again and Mike walked in and down to Tevron. He snapped to attention and saluted, 'Captain Michael Antilles reporting for duty, sir,' he turned to Kei and nodded, 'Lieutenant.'

'If you'll stop flirting with my Executive Officer, Mr. Antilles, I'd like to continue the mission briefing.'

Mike grimaced, 'Sorry, sir.' He took the nearest seat in the front row.

He paid little attention throughout the rest of the briefing and when it was over he got up and walked to Kei, 'You didn't tell me this was your squadron.'

'You didn't ask,' she replied evenly.

Main Hangar, Mon Calamari Light Star Cruiser Mon Corona, Tanaab, Four Days Later, 11:30 GST

'I understand that, sir, but I can't accommodate you. There's no way I'm taking your YT-2400 along on my ship. With all due respect, if you're that desperate to have it, fly it yourself. There's no space.'

Mike glared at a Junior Officer of the Mon Corona, 'What if I could make space for it?'

'How are you going to find space for a ship that's three times larger than an X-wing?'

'I'm going to fit the parts listed on the manifest as being updated, there's enough there to make room for a whole squadron.'

'We leave spacedock in two days!'

'Well I'll have to hurry then, won't I Lieutenant?' Mike smiled, plucked the datapad out of his hand and wandered off to find the ship's Chief Engineer.

Main Hangar, Mon Calamari Light Star Cruiser Mon Corona, Near Zsinj's Territory, Six Weeks Later, 19:00 GST

Commander Tevron ran over to Mike, 'Captain, we're a ship short from out last mission and I'd like you to fill in that spot with your personal ship.'

'Er, I would, but I don't have a crew,' Mike replied, not knowing what to make of the Commanders offer.

'Yes, you will have available the pilot who lost his ship during the last mission, and a B-Wing pilot, a one Flight Officer Andrews.'

'May I make a request?'


'Could I have your Executive Officer, and FO Andrews? Lieutenant Shallow is an expert gunner, which is one of the people I need.'

'Very well. Be ready to leave in half an hour. Lieutenant Shallow will brief you en-route to our destination.'

Mike saluted until Tevron returned his salute and walked off. He turned back to his ship and sighed, 'Well old girl. Looks like I gotta fix you up,' he said to the Turnover, patting the nearest part of the hull.

* * * * *

Thirty minutes later, you could hardly tell she was the same ship. Mike had pulled in a few favours and had gotten the hull painted Imperial grey with the markings of a Hutt smuggling group. The laser cannons had been re-aligned and were 17% more accurate. Mike himself had managed to get the engines running at 104% of normal, taking only 98% of the usual amount of fuel.

The Chief Engineer of the Mon Corona, a human named Arjan Brisin walked up to him, 'She's a fine ship, sir. Wish I owned her.'

Mike grinned, 'Can you shoot a quad laser cannon?'

Arjan gave him a look like Mike had just cut his hydrospanner in half, 'Can I? I'm the best shot on this ship.'

'Very well Lieutenant, you've just found yourself something to do.'

Belthu System, Warlord Zsinj's Territory, 21:30 GST

'All fighters report in,' Tevron's voice came over the comm waves.

'Fortune Two standing by.'

'Fortune Three standing by.'

'Fortune Four standing by.'

'Fortune Six standing by.'

It continued, then it was Mike's turn. He clicked the comm, 'Turnover standing by.' He switched the comm off and turned to the two people in the seats behind him and FO Andrews, 'You'd better get into the turrets.'

Kei stood, 'Whatever you say, Wedge,' she said jokily mocking him, before leaning forward and kissing him.

'Don't get yourself killed.'

'I won't.'

'You either Arjan, lots of paperwork to fill in.'

The two Lieutenants walked out of the cockpit towards their respective quad turrets. Mike turned to FO Andrews who was looking strangely at him.

'If you don't mind me asking, sir. Why did Lieutenant Shallow call you Wedge? Isn't your name Mike?'

Mike chuckled, 'That it is, most people call me Wedge though. It stuck ever since my pilot training. My instructor was reading out the list of names, and the first one he read was Antilles. Which is my name, unfortunately it also happened to be his.'

'You've met Wedge Antilles?'

'Met? I was trained by him for a while. Didn't get into Rogue Squadron.'

She stuck out a hand, 'Rebecca Andrews, but you can call me Becky.'

Mike shook it, 'Mike Antilles, but you can call me Wedge.'

The intercom crackled, 'We're in position Wedge.'

'Right, on my ship, we're all on first name basis, no sirs or ma'ams.'

A chorus of 'Yes, sir.' followed that statement, Mike sighed.

* * * * *

Tevron adjusted the laser cannon convergence system once more before settling back for the flight into the sixth planet. He'd led Fortune Squad for over a year, and already it was beginning to get a reputation in the fleet as a dependable unit. He didn't want that ruined by some cocky Corellian Engineer. Yes, admittedly his XO was Corellian, as were a number of his best pilots, but Captain Michael Antilles took the biscuit for the biggest ego he'd ever seen.

He disrupted briefing sessions by flirting with the female members of the squadron, especially Lieutenant Shallow, what it was between them, Tevron didn't know, but he suspected something.

Flight Officer Starrider's thoughts mirrored those of her commander, not more than two minutes later. To her Mike was just another arrogant Corellian in a long list of arrogant Corellians. She didn't dislike all Corellians, but one that flirted with everyone, and still tried to maintain a stable relationship with Kei, was one not to be trusted.

* * * * *

Mike picked up the two cups of caf and walked back to the cockpit, he placed one in the little cup holder next to Becky's seat and then took a swig of his own.

'How long 'till we reach the planet?' he asked his co-pilot.

'About 10 minutes.'

'Good, I'm tired to waiting,' he flicked the intercom on, 'Wedge to Kei and Arjan, power up the quads, we're approaching the planet.'

Mike then switched over to a private comm with Tevron, 'Commander, we're ready. I'd like to approach the planet first, the Turnover is more heavily armed and more armoured then your X-wings. If Zsinj has set a trap she'll be able to take more hits.'

Tevron's voice came back immediately, 'Permission denied. We're going in together.'

'Yes, Commander.' Mike replied very quietly.

* * * * *

Tevron's X-wing accelerated, followed by the other 10 snub-fighters and one battered Corellian freighter. Suddenly another, larger freighter dropped out of hyperspace off to their starboard. Mike checked the sensors, in two minutes their paths would cross. Mike had a gut feeling and rolled the Turnover off towards the larger craft.

Tevron's voice immediately came over the comm, 'Captain Antilles, where do you think you're going?'

'I'm going to check on a hunch,' Mike replied evenly.

'You don't have authorization....'

'To hell with it, court-marshal me, but don't try to stop me Commander. If I'm right then it could save us an early death.'

'Captain Antilles, I'm placing you under arrest...'

Mike slapped the comm system and the voice disappeared. Becky looked at him nervously.

'Are you sure we should be doing this? I've served under Tevron for a while, and he's usually right about dangers.'

'Yeah, well I've run into this particular freighter before, and if it's still owned by the same person, it'll be more than able to take out a squad of X-wings,' Mike flicked the intercom, 'Kei, get down here. I need to be in the turret for a while,' he flicked it off again, 'Just follow the course that I've plotted, and then do a smuggler's reverse when you get within 100m of the freighter.'

Nervousness shot through Becky's voice, 'Okay,' Mike un-strapped himself and started out of the cockpit, 'Er, I've never done a...'

'Ask Kei.'

By the time Mike had adjusted the seat and harness in the turret the Turnover was nearing 5 klicks off the freighter. He quickly adjusted the convergence distance to 150m and settle the turret facing aft. It gave him a good view of Tevron's X-wing following, but always losing ground. Mike watched the distance scroll away and thumbed his headset comm, 'Arjan, open fire, sporadic warning shots. Then when we hit 1km start concentrating fire on the bridge. When we hit 500, swing the turret around to face aft and be ready for targets of opportunity.'

'Gotcha Wedge, er what exactly are you expecting to happen?'

'Squadron of Blastboats, Skiprays.'

'Okay, I'm ready, I think.'

At 500m Mike tightened his grip on the turret controls, at 400m he flicked a hidden switch which activated to hidden concussion missile tubes in the aft of the turnover, at 300m he activated manual targeting of the missiles and prepared himself, the small holocam fixed above the two tubes giving him the view to aim by, at 200m he started breathing again and waited for the turn.

When it came, it came as a surprise to him, he'd not been looking at the distance and when the ship swung around he quickly placed the targeting receptacle over a small, black nodule on the side of the enemy freighter and pressed the firing stud. There was a small clunk as a small section of the ship detached before two concussion missiles jetted out on an orange flame. He shut down the missile controls and started concentrated firing on the shields in that area. Slowly they turned white and then the missiles reached them, one slammed into the overstressed shields, collapsing them in that area, while the other entered the nodule like a pin into a bubble. The missiles proximity sensors activated and blew the missile, taking the bottom half of the freighter with it.

True to form, 9 Skipray Blastboats shot between the two sections of the freighter. Mike and Arjan both targeted a Skipray and opened fire. Soon the whole of Fortune Squadron was engaged in with the blastboats. Fighter after fighter winked out of existence, mostly Skiprays, but a few were X-wings. Mike was Commander Tevron was among the dead, his fighter had shot though one of the Skiprays, vaporizing both ships.

Main Hangar, Mon Calamari Light Cruiser Mon Corona, Coruscant System, Next Day, 1700 GST

'Wars never make one great, Tevron, Alle, Boomer and Koth would tell you this. They were just doing their jobs to make the universe a better place. We should take what they did, and carry on the work. The galaxy is still a dangerous place and will remain that way until we have destroyed all threats to peace,' Mike lowed his head after reading the speech, before nodding to an engineer nearby. He activated the tractor beam that pushed the caskets away from the Mon Corona. Mike picked up him commlink, 'Lieutenant, fire.'

Four missiles streaked out towards the caskets, all four empty, as the four dead officer's bodies hadn't been recovered, and punched though them, creating a magnificent display for the citizens of Coruscant looking up at the public funeral.

Mike stepped down from the podium and was greeted by Admiral Ackbar. Mike snapped a salute.

'At ease Captain,' Ackbar said quietly, 'I've just received your transfer request. You've been assigned the Mon Corona pending a complete Naval training and a promotion to Commander.'

'Thank you Admiral.'

'I'm sorry this news couldn't come to you at a better time.'

'No better time Admiral. I can move on from where I was.'

Mike Antilles' Ready Room, Mon Calamari Light Cruiser Mon Corona, Yavin System, One Week After Formation of Rogue Squadron, 1300 GST

Mike sat at his desk filling in the mission report for the trip to Yavin. The Mon Corona had been taking defense supplies to Yavin 9, a smaller moon that was to act as a storage facility for the Jedi Academy. It had been a long and boring trip and Mike was looking forward to their next stop, Mon Calamari where the Mon Corona was due to be undergoing a full refit. This would mean that the whole crew would have a weeks shore leave on the water planet.

His door beeped, and he called out for the person to come in. The door slid open to reveal Kei, 'Ah, Major Shallow, how nice it is to see you.'

Kei stared at him for a moment and then laughed, 'You saw me half an hour ago.'

'I know but every moment I see you fills me with joy.'

'Nice impression of Wes Janson.'

'Well y'know, Wes always was my hero.'

'You're older than him!'

'Want to get some lunch?'


'Give me ten minutes to have a quick shower and then I'll be ready.'

Officer's Mess, Mon Calamari Light Cruiser Mon Corona, Yavin System, Ten Minutes Later

'Mmm, this Bantha Steak is really good,' Kei said, finishing her mouthful, 'it's much more tender than usual.'

'Erm, Kei,' Mike took a deep breath, 'I've got something to tell you.'

She looked at him quizzically, 'What?'

'I'm transferring off the Corona. I'm joining this new task force that's been set up by General Fel. It's a good opportunity for a command position and I'll be able to get back to Engineering.'

Kei's jaw dropped, 'But this is a bit sudden, you've only been in command of the Corona four months.'

'I know, and I'm sad I've got to give it up, but it's a great opportunity.'

'So you've said.'

'There's something else. You're, er, not going to be able to come with me.'


'Because they've filled up their rosters. There's no more room on the Ashleigh. So I think it would be...'

'Do not finish that sentence, do not give yourself cause for regret. I'll be waiting here for you to return or until I can join you.'

Mike stood up, 'I've got to go, you're in command of the Corona until Naval Command can sort out another Captain.' He kissed her lightly and then walked out of the mess hall.

Rogue Squadron, Earth

YT-2400 Corellian Light Freighter Turnover, En-route to Sol System, Three days later

Mike and his three traveling companions sat in the living area of the Turnover. He was the senior Officer there, but still only ranked Major. His new assignment was as Chief Engineer of the combined Earth and New Republic Force codenamed Rogue Squadron. Rather unusual, Mike thought, for a taskforce to be named after a squadron.

Lieutenants Arjan Brisin and Seyla Starrider and Flight Officer Rebecca Andrews sat on their bunks eating various ration packs.

Suddenly Seyla got up, 'Sir, may I talk to you in private?'

Mike raised an eyebrow, 'Certainly Lieutenant, is the cockpit private enough?'

'Yes, sir.'

The two of them walked to the cockpit and Mike sat down in the pilot's chair while Seyla took the co-pilot's.

'May I speak frankly, sir?'

'Knock yourself out, Ms. Starrider.'

'Well I think that what you did to Kei was unfair. You told her you were going and left within the same sentence and what's more...'

'So how do you think I feel? You think she meant nothing to me, that I'm the biggest flirt in the whole of the military. I only flirted with her. She meant everything to me, and what's more, Lieutenant, my relationship with her is none of your business, so kindly butt out.'

'Yes, sir. I'm sorry, I had no idea.'

En-Route to SGC, Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado Springs, Earth, 3rd Planet, Sol System, Three Weeks After Creation of Rogue Squadron, 14:30 GST

Mike sat in the back of the van which was taking him and his two comrades back to Cheyanne Mountain after visiting the AF Academy. Another person was in the van, a civilian woman. 'So, what do you do?' Mike asked her.

She looked up from her notes, glanced around the truck to make sure he was talking to her, brushed a loose hair behind her ear, 'I'm an expert on R&D. You?'

'I'm an Engineer, and the two Lieutenants there are pilots.'

'Pilots?' the woman asked as the truck hit a small bump in the road, 'I thought the SGC was ground ops only.'

Mike swore inside his head, and tried to change the subject, 'So what's your name?'

'Thorn, Ilexa Thorn.'

'Unusual name,' Seyla remarked from the corner.

'What's yours?' Thorn asked.

'Major Antilles, Michael,' Mike replied.

'First Lieutenant Rebecca Andrews.'

'Second Lieutenant Seyla Starrider.'

Thorn raised an eyebrow, 'And you think my name is unusual? Where did you transfer from?'

Mike thought hurriedly, trying to remember his cover story. 'We are from Mountain Home Air Force Base—'

'Really? I am from just south of there, well, south-east a bit, I bet you loved that training run up the Sawtooth Valley…' Thorn's voice faltered as the three aliens looked at each other in consternation. They were not supposed to meet anyone who actually knew Mountain Home, were they?

Thorn raised her same eyebrow again, 'Where did you say you were from again?'

'I didn't.'

'So where are you from?' Her eyes narrowed dangerously and she was about to call to the driver when Mike looked at his comrades and shrugged, 'We may as well tell her.'

'Tell me what?'

'Well firstly, we are not from this planet.'


'I'm not, the three of us come from different planets, and we traveled here in a ship. I'm from Corellia, Seyla is from Tatooine, and Becky is from Sluis Van.'

Thorn didn't even bat an eyelid, 'I haven't heard of these planets before, and I haven't heard of "offworld travelers" being allowed to wander around the countryside. So either you tell me what you know and how you know it, or you tell it to a few people from Base Security.'

'No, I'm deadly serious.'

'So am I.'

Mike laughed and fished out his wallet from his pocket, he took out his Republic Military ID and chucked it at Thorn, 'See, I'm telling the truth!'

Thorn raised her eyebrow again as she studied the hologram of Wedge, realizing Earth did not have this technology yet. 'So you're really from another planet?'

Mike and his friends nodded.

'And you've told me this why?'

'Want to join?'

Nick Fel's Office, Mon Calamari Cruiser Ashleigh, Sol System, Two hours later

'What?' General Fel exclaimed, 'You told a civilian we exist! you've only been here two weeks and already you've compromised security, telling a civilian.'

'Sir, I, er, brought her with us as well.'

'You what?'

'Brought her with us, General Fel, sir.'

'Firstly Captain Antilles, you're in no position to do such a thing, and if you carry on like this, you never will be!'

'Yes,. sir.'

'Nevertheless, I will meet this Ilexa Thorn, and decide for myself whether she will be a security risk.'

'She'd, er, she'd like to join Rogue Squadron.'

'Very well, if I deem her suitable, have her submit a request for admittance, dismissed'

Mike snapped a quick salute, spun on his heel and marched out of Nick's office.

Main Hangar, Mon Calamari Cruiser Ashleigh, Sol System, Next Day

'It is with great pleasure that I invite you to join the now combined New Republic and Earth force of Rogue Squadron,' Nick looked towards Thorn and waited.

'Thank you General,' she was dressed in a New Republic dress uniform, but wearing no rank insignia.

'Welcome to the New Republic, Captain Thorn.'

Thorn saluted and held it until Nick returned the salute, then everyone snapped to attention and saluted their commanding officer.

Mike walked over to Thorn, 'Now, I think you owe me a drink.'