Rogue Squadron
Transcript: Operation Forced Recovery

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[20:19] <Viper7> Briefing:
[20:19] <Viper7> Fourteen hours ago the New Republic Fleet Intelligence Ferret IX-33 was attacked over P7N-216 while on a mapping expedition of the Unknown Regions. Fleet believes High Admiral Steele is responsible for the assault, but no one can be certain with the Goa'uld spread all over this region of space.
[20:19] <Viper7> The crew managed to bring their severely damaged ship down to the planet and hide it. The last communication from the ship after it crashed established that four out of the five crewmembers survived the landing and would go into hiding on the planet until a rescue could be attempted. Since we are the closest assets that Fleet has in the area, we have been asked to make the attempt.
[20:19] <Viper7> The locator beacon from the ferret shows that it went down relatively close to the stargate. Unfortunately, probes sent through the gate show a Jaffa presence guarding the gate, so we will have to make use of our captured Tel'tac.
[20:19] <Viper7> We will insert cloaked to avoid any trouble that may be lurking in orbit and land in a cleared area near to the lake where the IX-33 landed. Once down, we will endeavor to locate the crew and get them to safety before they can be captured by Goa'uld forces.
[20:19] <Viper7> The planet is covered in rocky, mountainous terrain, dotted by thousands of lakes and several large oceans. Our destination is marked by a series of canyons.
[20:20] <Viper7> Questions?
[20:20] <Davie> I assume these canyons have caves we will be searching?
[20:21] <Viper7> We've not been able to find any deep caves, but there are recesses and niches all over the place where a person could hide
[20:21] <Davie> understood
[20:21] <Viper7> anything else?
[20:22] <Viper7> gear up then
[20:22] * Davie heads to the changing room to get his gear
[20:22] * Nick_Fel gets ready
[20:23] * Viper7 grabs his H Tracker and pack and heads for the hanger
[20:23] * Glantry boards the Tel'tac all geared up
[20:23] * Davie stops by the armory for a Dl-18 and his Whisper Sniper rifle
[20:23] <Rob> Rob grabs the spy gear and loads an extra case of c-4
[20:24] <Viper7> Nergon 14
[20:24] <Viper7> we don't have C-4
[20:24] <Rob> fine
[20:24] <Viper7> His highness has decreed that we're not allowed to use earth weaponry
[20:24] <Viper7> which gets rather annoying
[20:24] * Glantry sit's down in the co-pilot chair waiting for Nick
[20:25] * Viper7 books it up the ramp an takes a seat in the cockpit
[20:25] * Nick_Fel sets himself down in the pilot's seat
[20:25] * Davie steps into the cargo hold and secures his equipment for the flight
[20:25] * Viper7 sits leaning forward looking over Nick's shoulder
[20:25] <Viper7> What's that doodah?
[20:26] * Viper7 points
[20:26] <Glantry> All systems are a go sir, waiting for your instructions
[20:26] <Nick_Fel> cloaking device
[20:26] * Nick_Fel lifts off
[20:26] <Viper7> oooh
[20:26] * Viper7 falls backward
[20:26] <Nick_Fel> oh yeah, strap in
[20:26] <Viper7> Shoulda strapped in
[20:26] <Glantry> lol
[20:27] * Viper7 crawls back to his seat and fastens his crash webbing
[20:27] * Nick_Fel takes us up and out of the atmosphere before engaging the hyperdrive
[20:27] * Glantry computes the destination
[20:27] * Viper7 watches the blue swirls of light through the cockpit viewscreen
[20:28] * Nick_Fel reverts to real space some time later
[20:28] <Davie> well, nice ride so far..
[20:28] <Viper7> are we there yet?
[20:28] <Viper7> ooh, we are
[20:28] <Nick_Fel> yup
[20:28] <Viper7> might want to cloak...
[20:29] * Glantry presses the cloak button
[20:29] * Viper7 takes a look at the sensor board beside him
[20:29] <Viper7> looks like two Hatak- and one Cheops-class motherships in orbit
[20:29] <Viper7> interesting
[20:29] <Glantry> Indeed
[20:29] <Nick_Fel> prettyu heavy stufff
[20:30] * Nick_Fel descends into the atmosphere
[20:30] <Viper7> i've got the beacon, bearing 15 degrees
[20:30] * Nick_Fel locks on and heads in that direction
[20:31] * Davie does a final check on his weapons.
[20:31] <Viper7> Find us a good landing spot down in the canyons
[20:31] <Nick_Fel> got it
[20:31] * Nick_Fel sets the Tel'tac down
[20:31] * Viper7 unbuckles and shoulders his pack
[20:31] <Viper7> <comms> comm check
[20:31] * Glantry opens the hatch
[20:32] <Nick_Fel> <comms> check
[20:32] <Davie> <comms> check
[20:32] * Nick_Fel grabs his rifle and heads out
[20:32] * Viper7 makes his way out the hatch
[20:32] <Glantry> <comms> check
[20:32] * Davie shoulders his rifle and leaves teh ship
[20:32] * Glantry heads out
[20:32] * Viper7 opens a pounch on his belt and pulls out a locator device
[20:33] * Davie runs a visual scan of the surrounding hills
[20:33] <Viper7> Looks like they're due south
[20:33] <Davie> area appears to be secure
[20:33] <Nick_Fel> okay: head out
[20:33] <Viper7> Anyone see any Jaffa patrols on the way in?
[20:33] <Nick_Fel> not me, but we were moving fast
[20:33] * Viper7 leads off, keeping close to the steep rock wall on his left
[20:33] <Glantry> no sir!
[20:34] <Viper7> true
[20:34] <Davie> nothing beyond the squad at the gate when we passed
[20:34] <Viper7> keep a sharp eye out, they could be concealed in the walls
[20:34] <Davie> roger
[20:34] <Glantry> doger
[20:35] * Davie moves out on point down the canyon
[20:35] * Viper7 moves slowly looking for any sign of passage
[20:35] * Glantry covers the rear behind Nick
[20:36] <Viper7> <comms> Davie, keep a watch for any footprints or signs that someone's come this way. look for any dried blood trails as well.
[20:36] * Davie bends down to look at some tracks on the ground
[20:36] <Davie> <comms> Viper, I've got some mixed tracks. Looks like a combination of our survivors and a Jaffa patrol.
[20:37] <Davie> <comms> they weren't together, but we should expect company
[20:37] <Viper7> <comms> Got it, any idea which way they went? our people that is
[20:37] <Viper7> Everyone keep alert
[20:38] <Davie> <comms> looks like further down this blind side canyon. I can see several small cave openings from here
[20:38] * Glantry pulls out a blaster in both hands
[20:38] <Viper7> <comms> ok, be careful
[20:38] <Viper7> <comms> could be a trap
[20:39] * Davie shoulders his sniper rifle and unholsters his favored Viper XP
[20:39] * Viper7 tightens his grip on his blaster rifle
[20:39] <Nick_Fel> <comms> see anything?
[20:39] * Davie begins checking the caves
[20:39] <Davie> <comms> I have tracks, survivors only
[20:40] * Glantry walks slowly behind Nick looking in all derections
[20:40] <Nick_Fel> <comms> think they could have escaped?
[20:40] * Viper7 moves slowly down into the side canyon
[20:40] <Davie> <comms> I found one! he's unconcious
[20:41] <Viper7> <comms> Sithspawn, their report had them as all well except for the dead one.
[20:41] <Viper7> <comms> Get him out of there, quick, he may be bate!
[20:41] <Davie> <comms> appears to be a headwound, very recent. He might have been injured here
[20:41] <Davie> <comms> roger
[20:42] * Davie bends down and grabs the crewman in a firemans carry and heads back towards the main group
[20:42] <Glantry> <comms> we have company, look up!
[20:42] * Viper7 moves forward and takes shelter behind a large boulder and looks nervously at the walls
[20:42] <Viper7> crap
[20:42] * Nick_Fel drops and brings his rifle up, shooting towards the Jaffa
[20:42] * Viper7 opens fire on the jaffa at the top of the canyon walls, giving Davie some cover
[20:43] <Viper7> <comms> Move faster! That's an order!
[20:43] * Davie makes a mad dash for any kind of cover
[20:43] <Viper7> This isn't good. I'm afraid i may have been right.
[20:43] <Nick_Fel> trap?
[20:43] * Viper7 continues firing
[20:43] <Davie> <comms> Vipe, I'm behind a boulder opposite you
[20:43] * Glantry fires at will
[20:44] <Viper7> Yeah, I think they captured the rest, or killed them
[20:44] <Viper7> used him as bait to lure the rescue team out
[20:44] * Glantry mutters
[20:44] <Viper7> <comms> Ok, hold up for a second and we'll give you enough cover to get back
[20:44] * Davie lines up his sniper rifle on a jaffa, and begins picking the exposed ones off
[20:45] <Viper7> Alright ladies, open em up. If anyone doesn't have an overheating barrel i'll kill you!
[20:45] <Davie> <comms> here I come!
[20:45] * Viper7 pops up and opens fire at the rim of the canyon
[20:45] <Viper7> <comms> go!
[20:45] <Viper7> Fire!
[20:45] * Nick_Fel shoots a steady stream towards the jaffa
[20:45] * Davie grabs his companion and scrambles across the canyon floor to Viper's position
[20:46] * Viper7 rapidly pulls the trigger, keeping up a steady masking fire
[20:46] * Glantry shoots down a few Jaffas
[20:46] * Davie takes a staff blast in the leg just as he reaches cover and falls beside the general
[20:46] <Davie> damn!
[20:46] * Viper7 pulls Davie in by the back of his armour
[20:46] <Viper7> well way to go
[20:47] <Davie> yeah, yeah
[20:47] * Davie unshoulders his rifle and joins the rest in firing
[20:47] * Glantry rushes behind Nick
[20:47] <Viper7> Um, have they moved around behind us yet?
[20:47] <Glantry> We should get out of here, we are outmumbered
[20:47] <Viper7> yeah
[20:47] <Viper7> and before they cut us off
[20:47] <Viper7> Pull back!
[20:48] <Davie> Glantry, take the crewman
[20:48] <Viper7> Nick_Fel, cover our rears
[20:48] * Glantry picks up the crewman
[20:48] <Viper7> grr
[20:48] * Davie snaps off a promising branch and uses it to hobble up the path
[20:49] * Viper7 pushes davie along, firing to keep the enemy's head down
[20:49] <Nick_Fel> got it
[20:49] * Glantry runs back as fast he can with the crewmna on his shoulder
[20:50] * Viper7 follows glantry, helping davie limp along
[20:50] <Davie> Wait! Viper, look.
[20:51] <Viper7> no time to look, keep going!
[20:51] * Viper7 pushes davie along, firing at the Jaffa high up on the Rim of the canyon
[20:51] <Davie> you don';t want the other three crewmen?
[20:51] * Glantry stops in his tracks an looks behind him
[20:51] <Viper7> those are rocks
[20:51] <Davie> alright, alright, lets get out of here
[20:51] * Viper7 ducks slightly as a staff blast wizzes past his head
[20:52] * Glantry starts running again, making his way back to the ship
[20:52] * Nick_Fel huckles anbd keeps shooting
[20:53] * Davie makes it to the ship and hjobbles up teh ramp
[20:53] * Viper7 shoves Davie inside and crouches down beside the hatch, covering Nick
[20:53] * Nick_Fel jumps in, ready to close the hatch
[20:53] * Viper7 dives in
[20:54] <Viper7> goooooooooooooo
[20:54] * Glantry sets the crewman on the floor
[20:54] * Davie slumps into a seat in the cargo hold and straps in
[20:54] * Viper7 scrambles to his feet and towards the cockpit
[20:54] * Nick_Fel dives into the pilots seat and engaged the engines
[20:54] * Glantry jumps into the co-pilot seat
[20:55] * Viper7 reaches his chair and straps in
[20:55] <Viper7> <comms> Strap down back there!
[20:55] <Glantry> What the hell just happen here!
[20:55] <Viper7> I have no idea, but we have one crewman, and a whole crapload of jaffa on our tails
[20:56] * Nick_Fel lifts off
[20:56] * Viper7 taps nick on the shoulder. when's this bus leaving?
[20:56] <Nick_Fel> now
[20:56] <Viper7> fair enough
[20:56] <Nick_Fel> what do we do now?
[20:56] * Davie takes a med kit off the wall
[20:57] <Glantry> Assuming this was a trap and all the other peeps are dead, maybe we should get as much info from that crewman
[20:57] * Davie puts a bacta patch over his leg wound, then unstraps and checks the crewman
[20:58] * Glantry looks down on his arm
[20:59] <Glantry> Shit i've been hit, bastards
[20:59] <Davie> come on back here, I've got the medkit open already
[21:00] <Nick_Fel> how bad?
[21:01] <Glantry> Just a flesh wound, I've had wurst
[21:01] * Glantry waits for Viper to get back!
[21:01] * Davie dresses several cuts and abrasions on the crewman
[21:02] <Nick_Fel> is he conscious?
[21:02] <Davie> not yet. He's been tortured.
[21:03] <Davie> probably has head injuries we can't see. I can stabilize him, but he'll need some serious time in bacta
[21:03] <Glantry> I hate Bacta, I'm alergic to it!
[21:04] * Davie tosses Glantry some plain traditional bandages
[21:04] * Glantry shoots his arm with an anti-biotic
[21:05] * Glantry grabs the bandage and raps his wound
[21:08] * Davie finishes with teh crewman and straps him to a palette in the cargo hold
[21:08] <Nick_Fel> okay guys, we have one opf the crewman
[21:08] <Nick_Fel> heavy opposition, and the possiblilty that the others are dead
[21:09] <Nick_Fel> do we try find them, or take what we can?
[21:09] <Davie> I suggest returning to Farpoint sir. We are outnumbered and wounded, we'll need help before finding the others
[21:09] <Nick_Fel> Glantry?
[21:09] <Glantry> I agrre sir
[21:10] * Nick_Fel sets a course fo Farpoint
[21:10] * Nick_Fel engages hyperdrive and reverts to realspace back home
[21:10] <Nick_Fel> lets get this man to the infirmary
[21:11] <Glantry> I hope the crewman will inlighten us with what happened down there
[21:11] <Davie> any intelligence he can give us will be useful
[21:11] * Nick_Fel sets down in the hangfa
[21:11] <Davie> <comms> Farpoint control, medical teams to the hangar
[21:12] * Glantry opens the hatch
[21:12] * Davie unstraps the crewman so he can be moved to an antigrav stretcher
[21:12] * Nick_Fel jumps out and shakes his head
[21:12] <Nick_Fel> not a good day for us
[21:13] <Glantry> Indeed sir
[21:13] * Glantry mumbles something to himself
[21:13] <Davie> We'll be back. If I know Viper, he won't give up.
[21:13] <Davie> Besides, we need to destroy the Ferret if possible
[21:14] * Glantry walks out of the Tel'tac
[21:14] * Davie hobbles to the infirmary with the medical teams

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