Species: Male Human
Homeworld: Coruscant
Description: 6' 6", athletic build. Medium length dark hair and alert brown eyes.
Biography: Jarrax lead a normal life in his younger years. He learnt a little about the theories behind the Force, but other than that, he was a normal enough person with normal parents. His only obsession was the many stars, planets and flying.
After his graduation from military training he was selected for a special posting which ended up being to Rogue Squadron, in the middle of the Unknown Regions. Although he was inexperienced in many ways, his training was good and he has an air of confidence about him which may seem, to some, unnatural. He has inherited this trait from his father; both his parents always taught him that shyness was a weakness and therefore, one must always be bold and daring.
It is perhaps this fact that gives him a lot of drive to succeed and a certain edge when it comes to flying starfighters at high speed. It is perhaps also for this reason that he flies and A-wing.
His recent actions after his arrival at Farpoint to find out that the Admiral was missing in action, taken by Goau'ld as a host, have proven that he is tough enough for the job. Life may have a lot in store for Jarrax.