Species: Male Human
Homeworld: Hapes
Description: Dirty blonde hair, blue eyes. 6'1", 185 lbs.
Biography: Cain was born on Hapes to noble parents, and lived a pampered childhood.
At eight years old while on the way back to hapes after a vacation on the beaches of Mon Calamari, Cain's parents' luxury yacht was attacked by a band of pirates, The Crimson Corellians, who boarded the yacht and killed the pilot and Cain's parents.
The pirates took the young boy and started to train him to join them one day, but the memory of his parents deaths still haunted him. He showed exceptional talent at using the crimson vibroblades the Crimson Corellians used, and at the controls of an old Z-95 Headhunter the pirates used and eventually used it to escape during a raid.
Once he made it back to Hapes, he inherited his parents fortune and left the Hapes Cluster for Mon Calamari.
Ready to get back in the cockpit of a military fighter Cain signed up with the New Republic and was assigned to Rogue Squadron.
Though often quiet, Cain is quite friendly once you get to know him, and will often go along with a friend on stupid schemes and jokes. Cain loves competition, and views battle as the ultimate field of play.