Non-Player Character
Huu Turin


Huu Turin

Fleet Operations Commander


Status: Killed on 50:4:15

Species: Male Tunroth
Homeworld: Jiroch-Reslia

Biography: Turin was a military leader on his homeworld at the time of the Galactic Civil War, and saw much of his family killed by Lortan fanatics during the Resalian Purge before the Empire arrived to repulse them.

Like many Tunroth, he was a supporter of the Empire because of their assistance, but while much of his species came to be ashamed of this, Turin was not. He felt the New Republic needed to be strong to prevent recurrences of the Resalian Purge.

At some point, he became involved in a plot to replace Rogue Squadron with a more effective black-ops taskforce. After he was posted as Fleet Operations Commander, he was tasked by his superiors with controlling Miles Fortis, who had been implanted with a mind-controlling implant.

He caused Fortis to commit a variety of acts of sabotage in order to make Rogue Squadron appear incompetent, leading Senator Blackwing to disband them. When Rogue Squadron refused this order, Tuurin tasked Fortis with recapturing Hunter.

However, Fortis eventually broke free from Turin's control and shot him. Exposed as a traitor, Turin committed suicide rather than betray his superiors.

Service Record
Fleet Operations Commander