Official Scenarios

Official scenarios are the core of the website. They make up most of the website storyline, and are quite heavily moderated.

Our RPGs take the form of collaborative fiction, which means each player posts a short section of the story from their character's perspective. Take a look at existing RPG posts and you'll soon get the idea.

Basic Rules

  • Put your current location in the subject field of each post. Try keep it in the same format as previous posts.
  • Keep it readable. Punctuate.
  • Keep it clean—if you don't think you'd see it in a Star Wars film or book, don't do it.
  • Make sure you know what's going on when you post.
  • Keep your posts in sequence with everybody else's, i.e. don't jump around in time. Avoid flashbacks for this reason unless there's an in-scenario reason (e.g. a hallucination).
  • Don't post twice in a row, or post within 24 hours of your last contribution. Give other people a chance to play their part.
  • Don't reference anything from unofficial RPG scenarios or fics—they don't exist as far as official scenarios are concnered. This includes Viper's Bar.
  • Be realistic. Your character can't beat up a room full of stormtroopers or shoot down a hundred TIE Fighters.


Write in third person, past-tense, like most novels. You should also play from your own character's viewpoint only, so for example, you can't know what's happening in the next room (unless another character is telling you, or there's a camera).

This also means you can't know what other characters are thinking, and can't play as them.

If you want to be literary, that's third person limited omniscient mode. Apparently.

Unlike many RPGs it is not against the rules to control other character, such as describing their actions or making them speak. Anything your character could see, you can include in your post.


This basically refers to messing up people's RPG plans. Throwing in unexpected events that screw with the established plan is fine—dealing with events as they happen is what RPG is all about.

You're free to 'throw curveballs', but please only do something huge if you're in the know about the existing plan. A lot of planning goes in behind the scenes, both for our overall aim of the RPG, and individual people's parts. People can get cranky if you mess them up.

So unless you've talked it through with someone, try to keep your curveballs isolated to wherever you are, and whatever you're doing in the RPG.

This extends to large-scale destruction of our ships, and deaths of NPCs. Try to get permission if you want to do something like blow up a ship, and get permission from NPC creators, especially if the NPC has a well-established background.


If possible, moderators will edit posts that break any of the rules, or contain continuity errors, or any other dubious content, at their discretion.

When a moderator edits your post, they will leave an EDIT: tag at the bottom of the post, explaining what was changed. It is useful to keep an eye on your posts to see what was changed, for future reference. You must not change posts back to their original form, or remove edit tags.

Also, don't add comments to the edit tags. If you've got a problem with it, post to the discussion or contact a moderator privately.

You shouldn't make anything but the smallest edits to your own posts once they have been up for more than an hour or so. This is because people might be writing posts that follow on from yours. You also shouldn't delete your posts once anybody else has posted.

Moved Posts

If a post cannot be edited to work, it will be moved to the aptly named Moved Posts thread. A reason for the move will be appended to it for reference—same rules as the edit tags.

Please don't delete posts from the thread. You can repost similar material if it has been suitably edited.