Rogue Squadron
Transcript: Operation Milk Run

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[19:58] <Viper7> Briefing:
[19:58] <Viper7> Recently, Intelligence has been receiving information from a source inside Steele's palace on Ankhron that has led us to previously unknown listening posts, tabanna gas mining and storage facilities, and prison camps. Every time his information has been right on the mark, and he has proven himself trustworthy.
[19:58] <Viper7> Unfortunately, other intelligence assets on Ankhron indicate that our source has been found out by Steele and a warrant for his arrest has been issued. We will have to move quickly to save him.
[19:58] <Viper7> We will be taking the Loose Cannon to Ankhron. She has had her engine signature and transponder modified to match that of the ATX-1138B, a freighter that runs between Ankhron and Keshmar, running supplies from the capital world to the garrisons in the area. The -1138B was intercepted and destroyed about two days ago by Nirvana and Banshee squadron. No signal was allowed to escape, so Steele does not yet know that the freighter was destroyed
[19:59] <Viper7> The informant will meet us on one of the orbital stations. He’s chosen a mid-class cantina as his pickup point.
[19:59] <Viper7> Should just be a simple snatch and run. Once we’ve made contact, we will proceed back to the Cannon and head for space. Incase we encounter trouble, two A-Wings from Strike Squadron will be stowed in the freighter’s cargo bays. Sensor baffling equipment will be installed in the bays to shield them from detection.
[20:00] <Viper7> questions?
[20:00] <Glantry> Nope
[20:00] <MikeBurn> yes, can we drink?
[20:00] <Phil> will we be home for dinner?
[20:00] <Viper7> no
[20:00] <Viper7> no
[20:00] <Viper7> and no to the next question from either of you as well
[20:00] <Davie> Weapons: we want to keep things unobtrusive for this one?
[20:00] <Davie> LOL
[20:00] <Viper7> ah, finally an intelligent question
[20:00] <Viper7> we're going for small and covert
[20:01] <Davie> sidearms it is
[20:01] <MikeBurn> <snort> who doesn't?
[20:01] <Nick_Fel> since it's a military station, nobody will question sidearms
[20:01] * Glantry gears up
[20:01] <Viper7> we have uniforms for all of you
[20:02] <Phil> but they so aint my colour, lol
[20:02] <Davie> oh good, was wondering how the NRM equip would go over
[20:02] <Davie> I hear we're all the fashion too
[20:02] <Hawkeye> Uniforms? I knew my Hawaiian shirt was a long shot...
[20:02] <Nick_Fel> don't worry Hawkeye, we'll be putting you in exotic imperial olive
[20:02] * Phil puts uniform on
[20:03] <Glantry> lol
[20:03] * Corry whispers That's backwards, Phil.
[20:03] <Hawkeye> Oooh, olive. Goes great with Martinis..
[20:03] <Phil> i know , its my charcter i have to be backwards
[20:03] * Viper7 pulls on an Imperial Colonel's uniform and straps on a DL-19 imperial issue blaster pistol
[20:04] * Davie steps into the locker room and changes
[20:04] * Hawkeye pulls on uniform
[20:04] * Viper7 hands a blaster pistol to Nick
[20:04] <Nick_Fel> danke
[20:04] <Hawkeye> Any need to take a Basic Medi-Kit?
[20:04] <Viper7> de nada
[20:04] <Corry> With Viper around? You need to ask?
[20:05] <Viper7> rephrase that to "With Corry around Viper? You need to ask?" and it'll be more appropreate
[20:05] <MikeBurn> surely you're wrose than Viper?
[20:05] * Davie leaves his Viper XP in favor of a DL-19 and a pair of small holdouts artfully conceled under the jacket
[20:05] <Phil> with corry and viper in the same mission , need you ask?
[20:05] <Nick_Fel> corry and vipe will probably shoot each other up at first opportunity
[20:05] <Corry> *snort*
[20:05] * Hawkeye smiles
[20:05] <Davie> You might consder adding body bags to your kit there Doc
[20:05] <Nick_Fel> bless you
[20:05] <Phil> which is always fun to see the lovebird fight
[20:05] <MikeBurn> shame Jol's not here...would be nice to see him get shot
[20:06] * Viper7 straightens his cap
[20:06] <Davie> LOL
[20:06] <Viper7> yeah
[20:06] <Viper7> i forgot to tell him he's unbanned
[20:06] <Viper7> alright ladies, to the ship
[20:06] * Glantry walks in the loose cannon
[20:06] * Davie grabs his bag and heads for the hangers
[20:06] <Corry> Cool. Does that mean I'm flying?
[20:07] <Viper7> no
[20:07] * Phil heads for the ship
[20:07] * Hawkeye takes out Medi-Kit, diguised in a harmless briefcase, puts on his peaked cap, and heads to the hangar.
[20:07] * Corry sighs and heads to the ship.
[20:07] <Phil> am i flying?
[20:07] <Viper7> defenatly not
[20:07] <Phil> lol
[20:07] * Glantry sit's down in the pilots seat
[20:07] * Nick_Fel takes the co-pilots seat so that he gets a black uniform as well
[20:07] * Davie takes Hawkeye's briefcase and hands him a standard issue Imperial Medkit to match his uniform
[20:07] * Hawkeye Backtracks to the locker room, almost forgetting his sidearm, and runs to the hangar, boarding the ship.
[20:08] <Hawkeye> Ooh. Much better.
[20:08] <Nick_Fel> no... that's stormtrooper officeers... damn
[20:08] * Viper7 takes a seat on the bridge and motions Nick to begin preflight
[20:08] <Glantry> Systems check Admiral
[20:08] * Corry /me straps in, takes another look at her lowly Lieutenant's uniform and glares at Viper as he walks past.
[20:09] <Nick_Fel> all systems go
[20:09] * Phil takes a seat
[20:09] * Davie straps in
[20:09] <Hawkeye> me/ takes the seat next to Corry, straping himself in, while taking a deep breath.
[20:09] <Glantry> <coom> everyone aboard?
[20:09] <Miles> Sorry I'm late
[20:09] * Nick_Fel sighs "Not quite"
[20:10] <Corry> if you don't pull the webbing quite so tight, you will still be able to breathe, Pierce.
[20:10] <Phil> <comm> wait miles is running in
[20:10] <Viper7> confirm Strike one and Strike two are secured in the bay
[20:10] <MikeBurn> damnit...
[20:10] <Davie> <comms> hold up, might have a stragler running up the ramp
[20:10] * Miles runs up the ramp
[20:10] <Davie> Glad you could make it.
[20:10] * Glantry fires up engines
[20:10] * Hawkeye readjusts the straps, permitting himself some room to breathe.
[20:10] <Miles> <puffing. better late than never
[20:11] * Davie seals the hatch and then sits back down
[20:11] <Hawkeye> Still not used to these straps.
[20:11] * Miles takes a seat and straps in
[20:11] <Davie> <comms> hatch secure, lets go
[20:11] <Viper7> When ever your ready
[20:12] * Glantry lifts off
[20:12] <Miles> <Leaning over to Corry> You pick up any rations?
[20:12] * Corry grins and hands him a chocolate bar
[20:12] <Corry> what do you consider rations?
[20:13] <Glantry> Admiral! course laid in?
[20:13] * Miles stuffs the chocolate bar into his thigh pocket
[20:13] <Nick_Fel> course set. punch it
[20:13] * Viper7 opens his credit pouch and counts his imperial issue currency
[20:13] <Miles> perhaps anything in a thermos bottle?
[20:14] <Phil> looks out of the window at the stars
[20:14] <Hawkeye> Are we there yet?
[20:14] <Corry> I heard Mike saying that since we were hitting a cantina, he was going to get a couple of you mildly soused in preparation - just for looks, of course.
[20:14] <Glantry> Loose Cannon enters Hyper drive
[20:14] * Miles grins
[20:14] <Davie> oh really...
[20:14] <Nick_Fel> ooo, let me do that, I want that job
[20:14] <Corry> Yes, and you know that Infantry always leads the way.
[20:15] * Miles salutes
[20:15] * Viper7 shouts back "We're going to an imperial establishment folks, New Republic credits arn't going to get you anything but shot"
[20:15] <MikeBurn> not you, you're an alcoholic
[20:15] * Corry chuckles
[20:15] * Davie chuckles
[20:15] <Phil> hides his New republic credits under his seat
[20:15] * Davie opens his credit pouch and starts counting a big stack of Imperial credits
[20:15] <Miles> Will they take Gold Sir?
[20:15] <Viper7> no
[20:15] <Corry> of course, Thorn ran a chem analysis for me once - do you know just what Imps put in their rotgut? geeeeh
[20:16] <Glantry> <comms> we will reach Ankhron system in a few minutes
[20:16] <Davie> been waiting to spend all this...
[20:16] * Miles shrugs his shoulders
[20:16] <MikeBurn> Alcohol one presumes?
[20:16] * Davie gets up and checks the weapons lockers in the hold
[20:16] <Nick_Fel> we're a long way from the Shesharile system
[20:16] <Corry> no, apparently it's made of Bothans
[20:16] <Phil> yeah lets buy all the alcohol we can get
[20:16] <Hawkeye> Bothans?
[20:16] <Miles> rendered Bothan Brew?
[20:16] <MikeBurn> all the better!
[20:16] * Corry gags
[20:17] <Nick_Fel> mmm... triple distilled bothan
[20:17] * Viper7 raises an eyebrow
[20:17] <Davie> better even than Mudder's Milk
[20:17] <Viper7> you're all, sick, you know that?
[20:17] <Nick_Fel> yes
[20:17] <Davie> well, yeah.
[20:17] <Phil> i can see a ship full of drunks on the way back
[20:17] <Hawkeye> Oy, I guess they don't have John Daniels in that place.
[20:17] <Glantry> Hey! I'm just flying
[20:17] <MikeBurn> nothing wrong with drinking bothans, as long as they remove the fur balls are bad for the throat
[20:17] * Corry looks questioningly at the stack of credits in Davie's hand. Aren't those about 10 years old? Do you think they'll still honor them.
[20:18] <Corry> As the only non-drinker in the group, I get to be designated driver. <winks at Glantry>
[20:18] <Davie> they reciculate their currency. it essentially hasn't changed
[20:18] * Davie coughs
[20:18] <Viper7> You all get pissed and i'm leaving you there!
[20:18] <Davie> I'll be teh designated copilot
[20:18] <Nick_Fel> yeah, but this is Steele's Empire, not the Remnant
[20:19] <Glantry> <comms> get ready folks... exiting Hyper space in 20 seconds
[20:19] <MikeBurn> wicked! Nick, drinks are on Davie
[20:19] <MikeBurn> Damnit!
[20:19] * Miles tightens his seat straps
[20:19] * Phil holds on tight
[20:20] * Viper7 moves to the comm station
[20:20] <Glantry> Loose Vannon enters Ankhron system
[20:20] <Glantry> Cannon*
[20:20] <Davie> not even to the cantina yet...
[20:20] * Viper7 watches the comm board crackle to life
[20:21] <Viper7> "ATX-1138B this is Ankhron system control, please transmit your clearance code
[20:21] <Viper7> Transmitting now
[20:21] * Viper7 hits a button
[20:21] * Corry quietly crosses her fingers
[20:21] <Viper7> here's hoping this works
[20:21] * Nick_Fel taps his fingers on his console
[20:22] * Viper7 waits
[20:22] <Miles> Uh, anybody manning our guns?
[20:22] * Glantry slowly manuvers the ship towards the space station
[20:22] <Viper7> um....
[20:22] <Phil> hopes thats the right button
[20:22] * Hawkeye absently plays with his lighter
[20:22] * Corry grabs the lighter in dismay and stuffs it in a compartment.
[20:22] <Davie> no, hot guns would be a dead giveaway that we don't belong here
[20:22] <Corry> Are you mad!
[20:22] <MikeBurn> do we have guns?
[20:22] <Hawkeye> What?
[20:22] <Viper7> "ATX-1138B, clearance code accepted, transmitting docking clearance and flight path now. Welcome back."
[20:22] <Nick_Fel> we do, but we're not supposed to
[20:23] <Hawkeye> It's my lucky lighter!
[20:23] <Nick_Fel> so they stay powered down unless we need them
[20:23] <Phil> here mike , hands mike a gun
[20:23] <Corry> A carbon based fuel run device? Do you want to put a "kick me" sign on your back also?
[20:23] <Miles> It was jusr in case we had to scoot, you know
[20:23] * Miles shrugs
[20:23] * Glantry docks on the space station
[20:23] <MikeBurn> not that kind of gun phil...
[20:24] * Corry winks at Miles Don't worry, Captain. I promise you'll get to kill something, very soon.
[20:24] <Glantry> <comms> seems like our codes worked
[20:24] <Viper7> indeed
[20:24] * Miles vigorously rubs his hands together
[20:24] <Davie> Lets hope not
[20:24] * Hawkeye reminds himself to breathe
[20:24] <Phil> maybe glantry or we could be heading into a trap
[20:24] * Viper7 gets up and makes his way to the airlock
[20:24] <MikeBurn> no one told me there'd be killing...
[20:24] * Miles unstraps
[20:24] * Glantry shuts down engines
[20:24] <Hawkeye> Remember, what ever you shoot, I have to patch up again, so shoot the right things.
[20:25] * Corry laughs
[20:25] <Phil> lets hope not Mike
[20:25] * Miles kneels down and unzips his weapons bag
[20:25] <Davie> more importantly, if we have to shoot, it means things went way south
[20:25] * Viper7 takes miles' bag
[20:25] <Viper7> you fool
[20:25] <Glantry> lol
[20:25] * Viper7 throws it in an escape pod.
[20:25] <Viper7> NO!
[20:26] <Miles> No pistolas?
[20:26] * Hawkeye unzips his bag, checking all of the supplies, and stowing it in a compartment.
[20:26] <Viper7> not for you
[20:26] * Miles grumbles a bit as he sits back down
[20:26] * Corry hands Miles a DL-11Don't mind the General. He always gets nervous before a mission.
[20:26] <Viper7> Now this is important. Screw it up, and I'll shoot all of you myself and save you the courtmarshal
[20:27] <Davie> sounds like the usual deal
[20:27] * Miles stuffs the blaster under his shirt
[20:27] * Viper7 points at Mike
[20:27] <Viper7> You wanna stay with the ship?
[20:27] <MikeBurn> yeah
[20:27] <Viper7> ok, you know what to do
[20:28] * MikeBurn nods
[20:28] <Phil> mike theres skittles in my bag, help ya self
[20:28] <Viper7> Nick_Fel, Take Miles, Corry and Glantry, I'll take the rest
[20:28] <Nick_Fel> gotcha
[20:28] * Miles stands back up, next TO cORRY
[20:28] <Viper7> stay in contact
[20:28] <Glantry> <comms> check
[20:28] <Nick_Fel> copy
[20:29] <Phil> <comms> Check
[20:29] <Davie> <coms> check
[20:29] <Corry> <comms> <comms>check
[20:29] <Hawkeye> <comms> Check
[20:29] <Viper7> <comms> ok then
[20:29] <Miles> <comms> copy, Phil and Corry
[20:30] <Viper7> alright, no shooting.
[20:30] * Phil follows viper
[20:30] <Viper7> no acting suspicious
[20:30] <Nick_Fel> good rules
[20:30] * Miles salutes
[20:30] * Glantry walks off teh ship
[20:30] <Viper7> and if you get pissed, I'm leaving you here
[20:30] <Miles> Yes Sir
[20:30] <Hawkeye> eep..
[20:30] <Viper7> MikeBurn, I'll bring you back a bottle
[20:30] <Phil> us suspicious never
[20:30] <Viper7> alright, move out
[20:30] * Davie follows Viper
[20:30] * Corry rolls her eyes. A female officer in Imp territory. That's not suspicious at all. Why me?
[20:30] <MikeBurn> you'll bring me back several
[20:31] <Glantry> Don't eat all the Skittles sir lol
[20:31] * Hawkeye follows Viper
[20:31] <Phil> where to first vipe?
[20:31] * Miles walks dwon the ramp
[20:31] <Viper7> probably the cantina
[20:31] <Nick_Fel> we won't be able to buy anything, they dont' use credits here...
[20:31] * Viper7 pulls out a map
[20:31] * Nick_Fel heads down with his group
[20:31] * Corry joins Miles at the base of the ramp and waits for Glantry
[20:31] * Viper7 checks his datapad and points
[20:31] <Viper7> this way
[20:31] * Glantry waves to Corry
[20:31] <MikeBurn> Doesnt mean you can't steal me a drink or two!
[20:31] <Phil> follows vipe that way
[20:32] <Miles> Keep your eyes peeled Corry
[20:32] <Glantry> IM here
[20:32] * MikeBurn sttles down with a good book and a cup of tea
[20:32] <Corry> As you say, Captain. Actually, I'm quite interested in getting a look at this place.
[20:32] <Miles> Good....Just don't look suspicious
[20:32] <Corry> Ok, now where is our fearless leader?
[20:32] * Davie walks along with the slight arrogance that would be accorded to his rank.
[20:32] <Phil> sees the first shop
[20:33] * Viper7 continues down the corridor
[20:33] <Miles> Let's go.
[20:33] * Nick_Fel sticks up his hand
[20:33] <Nick_Fel> I'm here
[20:33] * Miles follows along aways behind Viper
[20:33] * Hawkeye looks into the shops, while following the rest of the team.
[20:33] <Davie> You want us to enter the Cantina seperately Vipe?
[20:33] * Glantry waits patiently for the Admirals orders
[20:33] <Hawkeye> They have some...weird things here.
[20:34] <Viper7> I figured Phil, Hawkeye and I would get a table
[20:34] <Viper7> Davie, come in after us and find a nice spot at the bar where you can observe us
[20:34] <Davie> done
[20:34] <Phil> nice, first round on u then vipe?
[20:34] * Davie slows his stride slightly to let teh others get ahead
[20:34] * Corry whispers to Glantry Anyway I can get a look at their communications center while we are here? Or would that be suspicious.
[20:34] <Viper7> no, you're not drinking
[20:34] <Viper7> wait, hold on a second!
[20:34] <Phil> ok fine
[20:34] <Phil> u said blend in
[20:35] * Viper7 ducks into a store and comes out a few seconds later holding a bag
[20:35] <Glantry> I think we could manage that Corry
[20:35] <Corry> Admiral, just what does one do in a cantina besides drink?
[20:35] * Miles stops and moves slowly towrds a wall
[20:35] <Nick_Fel> we have no way of paying Phil
[20:35] <Nick_Fel> socialise, Corry! look happy
[20:35] * Viper7 hands the bag to Nick
[20:35] <Phil> ok
[20:35] <Viper7> shhhh
[20:35] * Nick_Fel looks in the bag
[20:35] <Hawkeye> I guess opening a tab is out of the question...
[20:35] <Nick_Fel> what's this?
[20:36] <Viper7> mike's present
[20:36] * Glantry looks over Nick's shoulder
[20:36] * Viper7 grins
[20:36] * Nick_Fel sighs and looks for a garbage shoot
[20:36] * MikeBurn ears burn
[20:36] * Corry whispers to Miles RHIP
[20:36] <Nick_Fel> is that the place?
[20:36] * Viper7 turns to look
[20:37] <Viper7> yup, it would seem so
[20:37] <Miles> Yeah, look happy then
[20:37] * Phil Smiles
[20:37] <Miles> You want us inside or out Viper?
[20:38] <Viper7> Nick_Fel, you guys stay out here and keep an eye out
[20:38] <Viper7> Phil, Hawk, Davie, you know the plan
[20:38] <Viper7> Nick_Fel, let us know when he comes in
[20:38] <Miles> OK.
[20:38] <Nick_Fel> Vipe, how do we know who we're looking for?
[20:38] <Phil> head in with vipe and hawk
[20:38] * Davie loiters around a shopfront waiting for the others to go in
[20:38] * Miles moves around, looking at the Shop's advertisements
[20:39] <Viper7> he said he'd be wearing an army officer's uniform. looks like those up here are navy types
[20:39] <Nick_Fel> right
[20:39] * Davie takes a moment to pick the pocket of a young lieutenant nearby for a local credit voucher
[20:39] <Glantry> ditto
[20:39] <Phil> got us a table guys
[20:39] <Viper7> ok
[20:39] <Phil> over here
[20:39] <Viper7> lets go hawk
[20:39] <Hawkeye> right.
[20:39] * Miles walks over next to Corry
[20:39] * Viper7 leads Hawkeye over to the table that phil reserved for them
[20:40] * Corry leans back against a corridor wall and says to Glantry You seen that new T900? Looks to be quite the coming thing.
[20:40] * Phil sits down
[20:40] * Nick_Fel stands and keeps an eye out
[20:40] * Glantry crosses the street to get a better view
[20:40] <Miles> Looks like a chocolate shop next door
[20:40] * Davie walks unhurriedly down teh corridor and times his entrance for when the others have sat down
[20:40] * Hawkeye sits next to Phil, looking casual, but observant
[20:40] * Corry brightens
[20:40] <Nick_Fel> chocolate shop on a space station, that's novel...
[20:40] <Glantry> hehe
[20:40] <Corry> I'd best check it out.
[20:41] <Corry> Might be important.
[20:41] <Phil> lookes round paying close attention to a female officer to te left
[20:41] * Davie sits down at the bar, and orders a drink with the stolen voucher.
[20:41] * Viper7 takes a seat where he can see the door
[20:41] <Phil> nudges vipe
[20:41] <Glantry> Miles you might want to go in with Corry
[20:41] * Viper7 shakes his head
[20:41] <Viper7> You're incouragable Lieutenant
[20:41] <Nick_Fel> or possibly keep an eye out for our target instead
[20:41] <Miles> On the way
[20:42] * Davie pretends to work on a data pad while alternately watching teh door and the other patrons
[20:42] <Viper7> How are the engines running?
[20:42] * Corry emerges with her eyes glazed over. My kingdom for a credit.
[20:42] <Glantry> <comms> I believe our informant is comming this way
[20:42] <Nick_Fel> Stang!
[20:42] * Nick_Fel turns away quicky
[20:42] <Nick_Fel> <comm> Vipe, heads up... Kargeen is here
[20:42] * Viper7 mutteres into his collar
[20:42] <Viper7> <comms> bloody hell
[20:42] <Nick_Fel> <comms> heading towars the cantina
[20:42] <Viper7> <comms> you sure it's him?
[20:43] * Corry does an about face and heads back into the chocolate shop.
[20:43] * Miles hands Corry a ingot of platinum
[20:43] * Glantry crosses back over to the cantina
[20:43] * Hawkeye carefully watches the door...
[20:43] <Nick_Fel> <comms> reasonably sure. get a glance as he heads in
[20:43] <Viper7> mutters: heads up guys,
[20:43] <Davie> <comms> he just came through the door. It's Kargeen alright.
[20:43] <Phil> <comms> yep its him
[20:43] <Viper7> <comms> wonderful, he could blow this whole mission
[20:44] <Hawkeye> <comms> down the tube it goes...
[20:44] <Phil> vipe i suggest we move down there out of sight a little
[20:44] * Glantry walk up next to Nick
[20:44] <Phil> points to the dance floor
[20:44] * Miles leaves the shop and moves down the gangway
[20:44] * Viper7 sneaks a peek and watches as Kargeen takes a seat at the third booth from the back along the right wall
[20:44] <Phil> big crowd down there perfect to hide in
[20:45] <Viper7> <comms> I think...
[20:45] <Davie> <comms> alright, what do you want to do Vipe? He's no reason to know me or Hawk.
[20:45] <Glantry> <comms> maybe the doctor could sadate him?
[20:45] <Viper7> Phil, shuffle your chair a bit to the right so he can
[20:45] <Viper7> 't see your face
[20:45] <Phil> moves to the right a little
[20:45] <Hawkeye> <comms> Now, there's an idea...
[20:46] <Viper7> <comms> Nick, I think Kargeen may be our informer
[20:46] * Miles sees a newsreader service and scans the screen
[20:46] <Phil> <comms> Glantry he cant too many peeps around
[20:46] <Nick_Fel> <comms> how's that?
[20:46] <Davie> <comms> he IS wearing an army uniform
[20:46] <Viper7> <comms> and he sat at the exact booth specified in the last communication
[20:46] <Viper7> <comms> there's only one way to tell
[20:47] * Glantry hums.. I,ve become so numb
[20:47] * Viper7 points at Phil
[20:47] <Phil> doh
[20:47] <Viper7> your blaster fully charged?
[20:47] <Phil> yep
[20:47] <Viper7> good, If I'm right, we won't need it
[20:48] <Phil> ok have davie be close and ill go in
[20:48] <Viper7> <comms> Nick, get ready to screen the door
[20:48] <Viper7> <comms> davie, cover us
[20:48] <Davie> <comms> I'm ready whenever you are
[20:48] <Viper7> Hawkeye, you keep an eye out too
[20:48] <Phil> <comms> want me to go along?
[20:48] <Viper7> Lets go, Phil
[20:48] <Hawkeye> Roger.
[20:48] <Phil> ok
[20:48] <Phil> alone*
[20:49] * Viper7 gets up and moves off toward Kargeen's booth, keeping himself in the shadow
[20:49] * Phil heads over to kargeen with viper
[20:49] * Davie quietly puts down the datapad and picks up the drink in his left hand, his right sitting near the butt of his pistol
[20:49] * Viper7 motions phil to slide in across from Kargeen
[20:49] * Corry ambles over to Miles and whispers did you catch all that?
[20:49] <Phil> vipe go from the left ill go from the right that way is were wrong whe wont get away
[20:49] * Hawkeye angles his seat, so he can observe the immediate area around Kargeen's booth
[20:50] <Davie> <comms> heads up guys, they're making contact
[20:50] <Phil> head towards him form the right
[20:50] <Glantry> ,comms> copy
[20:50] * Viper7 moves in and waits for phil to take a seat
[20:50] * Phil takes a seat
[20:50] <Miles> Interesting items, don't you think? <ponting at the screen>
[20:50] * Viper7 slides in next to Kargeen, his blaster unholstered and stuck in the man's side
[20:50] * Glantry takes out some beef jerky
[20:51] <Phil> does the same from the other side
[20:51] * Davie watches the room warily
[20:51] <Viper7> General, so good to see you again. Don't yell, my blaster's muffled so i can take you out and no one would know.
[20:51] * Corry glances at the screen and recoils in shock. Ugh! Might want to get a copy of this for later analysis. Do they really think they can pull that off?
[20:51] <Miles> <whispering> Pick up your visual scanning
[20:52] <Viper7> "General."
[20:52] <Viper7> Why are you here?
[20:52] <Viper7> "Why, I'm here for you. Or did you miss the last contact?"
[20:52] <Viper7> So it is you then?
[20:53] <Viper7> "Yes, but the questions can wait. I assume you have an extraction already planned?"
[20:53] <Viper7> Maybe
[20:53] * Davie sees two security personnel step in the door and begin visually scanning the room
[20:53] <Viper7> <comms> Nick, I was right
[20:53] <Davie> <comms> Vipe, heads up, we've got some interest
[20:53] * Hawkeye glances at the door
[20:54] <Viper7> <comms> copy that
[20:54] <Nick_Fel> <comms> interesting
[20:54] <Phil> vipe i think we should head out of here its starting to get a little crowed
[20:54] <Viper7> Yes, but not with the security types there. they'll recognize either me or Kargeen.
[20:54] <Glantry> <comms> more guards comming this way, we should get out of here
[20:54] <Viper7> <comms> we need a distraction
[20:55] <Phil> Hawk?
[20:55] <MikeBurn> <comms> everything alright out there
[20:55] <Hawkeye> <Comms> Yo.
[20:55] <MikeBurn> ?
[20:55] <Phil> they wont recognnise hawk
[20:55] <Viper7> yes
[20:55] <Phil> he could act drunk
[20:55] <Hawkeye> <comms> I'm gonna move in closer to the big guys.
[20:55] <Viper7> <comms> Hawkeye, act drunk
[20:55] <Phil> draw them to him
[20:55] <Viper7> <comms> stick em with a sedative once they drag you out
[20:56] <Corry> <comms> typecasting
[20:56] * Hawkeye leaps out of his seat, ambling toward the security personnel.
[20:56] <Glantry> <comms> I'll distract the guards, you guys meet me at the Cannon
[20:56] <Viper7> <comms> Corry, slap miles
[20:56] <Viper7> <comms> I'm serious, draw their attention away from the door
[20:56] <Hawkeye> <drunkenly> Excuse me...pardon me...excuse me...
[20:56] * Corry gets a happy look on her face and then yelps
[20:56] <Corry> Hey!
[20:56] <Viper7> time to go
[20:57] <Corry> What kind of officer do you think I am?
[20:57] <Phil> head toward the door
[20:57] * Davie stands up and makes his way towards the door
[20:57] * Glantry shoots a few shots of his blaster and runs donw the street
[20:57] <Miles> WHat?
[20:57] * Corry hauls off hand whacks Miles a good one
[20:57] * Hawkeye bumps into the security detail.
[20:57] <Miles> Well EXCUSE ME!
[20:57] * Viper7 helps the general up and tips his cap down, replacing his general's insignia with the colonel's one from his own uniform
[20:57] <Hawkeye> HEY! Who do you think you are...hic...
[20:57] <Corry> There is no excuse for you!
[20:57] * Miles stands back up and punches Corry
[20:58] * Hawkeye takes out a pen needle, and palms it, while arguing with the big guy.
[20:58] <Phil> vipe come on its clear
[20:58] <Viper7> act like you've had too much to drink, general
[20:58] <Miles> I Don't HAVE to take that from YOU!
[20:58] <Glantry> <comms> the guards are following me... randez-vous at the shuttle.. copy?
[20:58] * Viper7 helps Kargeen out the door
[20:58] * Corry wipes blood from her lip and gets back to her feet
[20:58] <Phil> <comms> copy Glantry
[20:58] <Corry> Do that again.
[20:58] <Hawkeye> Look at my think I'm kidding!?
[20:58] <Viper7> <comms> glantry, you're an idiot stop it
[20:58] * Davie kicks a chair out from under a man, then decks him, leading to an all-out bar fight
[20:58] * Miles punches Corry again
[20:58] <Miles> Like THAT?
[20:58] * MikeBurn settles into the pilot's seat
[20:58] <Corry> OK, you're asking for it.
[20:59] * Davie slips out the door with head bowed as a dozen security personnel rush inside
[20:59] * Corry comes off the floor low and tackles Miles around the waist
[20:59] <Miles> SO I'm asking for it!
[20:59] * Hawkeye is grabbed by three of the guards, and is pushed outside.
[20:59] * Miles stands with his arms okimbo
[20:59] * Glantry watches as the guards pass right by him
[20:59] * Viper7 looks back at the door as the guards rush past him and into the cantina
[20:59] <Phil> elps hawk up
[20:59] <Phil> helps*
[21:00] * Corry looks a bit perplexed and trys to throw him over her shoulder
[21:00] <Miles> Ha ha little one.
[21:00] * Hawkeye sticks the three of them with the pen needle, without them knowing it, and watches as they take a dive.
[21:00] <Corry> Oh Frell.
[21:00] <Miles> Try harder
[21:00] <Phil> come on , sorry hes had to much to drink , phil said to the guard
[21:00] <Davie> <comms> we're clear, guards are going to be busy for a while
[21:00] * Hawkeye brushes himself off.
[21:00] * Miles puts his full weight on Corry and they collapse
[21:00] * Viper7 helps the general out to meet up with Nick
[21:00] <Phil> heads toward the rest of the group with hawk
[21:00] <Viper7> Admiral, may I present the General, who is now a Colonel till we get out of here
[21:00] * Corry whispers This is fun. Am I going to survive?
[21:01] <Viper7> <comms> we're out folks, everyone back to the ship
[21:01] * Glantry casually walks towars the shuttle
[21:01] <Miles> <whipering back> If you don't really fight, you won't
[21:01] <Davie> <comms> copy, I'll keep a slight distance to watch your six
[21:01] * Phil heads bacl to the ship
[21:01] * Corry says loudly, from underneath the pile. You know, you're kinda cute from this angle.
[21:01] * Viper7 ears perk up
[21:02] * Hawkeye follows the groups, while bringing up the rear
[21:02] * Glantry walks into the shuttle
[21:02] <Miles> Cute huh? We'll see about that!
[21:02] * Viper7 helps Kargeen back to the ship
[21:02] <Glantry> They'll be here soon Acid...
[21:02] * Corry grabs Miles around the neck and lays a big smooch on him.
[21:02] <Davie> <comms> Corry, Miles, you two want to head back?
[21:02] * Miles stands up, hauls Corry to her feet and starts to drag her off
[21:02] <Viper7> <comms> Someone please get those two, I don't need them being tossed in an imperial brig
[21:02] * Phil gets onto the ship
[21:02] * Corry whispers Get me out of here now or I'll tell Conwy.
[21:03] * Mike_Burn powers up engines
[21:03] * Hawkeye looks behind him, as he sees numerous Imperial goons running amok.
[21:03] * Viper7 tosses Kargeen though the airlock and looks back
[21:03] <Hawkeye> <comms> Guys, we're about to have company...
[21:03] <Viper7> <comms> I see
[21:03] * Glantry takes the co-pilot seat next to Burns
[21:03] * Davie grabs Corry and Miles and pushes them down the corridor.
[21:03] <Miles> Look sharp Corry, here thay come
[21:03] * Hawkeye runs to the ship.
[21:03] * Nick_Fel lays some cover fire behind them
[21:03] * Viper7 draws his blaster
[21:03] <Davie> move or courtsmartial you two
[21:03] <Phil> i count 6 guards on there way
[21:03] <Mike_Burn> <comms> this is Imperial Transport AT...
[21:03] * Viper7 fires off a spread pattern to keep their heads down
[21:04] * Miles pulls out his blaster and snap shoots
[21:04] <Mike_Burn> Nevermind
[21:04] <Corry> See, I knew there was a reason NOT to obey Viper's orders.
[21:04] <Viper7> <comms> Start it up Mike!
[21:04] <Mike_Burn> Everyone onboard?
[21:04] * Corry skids up the ramp
[21:04] <Glantry> Not yet sir
[21:04] * Davie hears weapons fire and pulls his sidearm, dropping a pair of guards as they turn a corner ahead of him
[21:04] * Miles pulls a grenade he had hidden
[21:04] * Nick_Fel jumps on
[21:04] <Phil> pulls corry in
[21:04] * Viper7 hauls hawk into the ship and jumps in after
[21:04] <Corry> You're all insane. Can I have that documented, please?
[21:04] <Mike_Burn> Who's left?
[21:04] * Glantry closed hatch
[21:05] <Corry> Miles and David!
[21:05] * Miles pulls the pin, throws the grenade
[21:05] * Mike_Burn powers up repulsors
[21:05] * Davie turns the corner and drops another guard who was under cover
[21:05] <Miles> GRENADE!
[21:05] * Glantry open hatch
[21:05] <Corry> You can't leave without them!
[21:05] * Miles runs towrds the ramp
[21:05] * Phil takes a seat
[21:05] * Davie double times it and jumps through the hatch
[21:05] <Viper7> Mike_Burn, that's your choice
[21:05] * Mike_Burn brings ship up, boarding ramp still open
[21:05] * Miles runs up the ramp as the grenade explodes
[21:05] <Mike_Burn> <comms> you have 5 seconds
[21:05] <Viper7> never mind
[21:05] <Viper7> close that up and lets go
[21:06] * Mike_Burn punches engines
[21:06] <Davie> <comms> we're aboard, lets go
[21:06] <Phil> everyone on board lets go
[21:06] <Miles> sits down and straps in nest to Corry
[21:06] * Glantry closes hatch
[21:06] * Mike_Burn closes boarding ramp
[21:06] * Corry grabs Hawk's kit and searches for something to stop the bleeding, then limps to seat.
[21:06] * Hawkeye straps in
[21:06] <Mike_Burn> Glantry, co-ordinates laid in?
[21:06] <Viper7> <comms> Strike one, Strike two, you're clear for launch
[21:06] <Corry> That was sooo much fun. Can we do it again. Soon? Glares toward the command group.
[21:06] <Glantry> All go sir
[21:07] <Davie> Miles, take a turret
[21:07] * Viper7 watches the sensors as the a-wings launch to cover their retreat
[21:07] <Nick_Fel> sure. Operation Jelly Fingers is already in the works ;)
[21:07] <Miles> On the way!
[21:07] <Viper7> he's not joking either:S
[21:07] * Corry 's jaw drops
[21:07] <Mike_Burn> Good. Punch it on my mark
[21:07] * Davie slides into a turret seat and powers up
[21:07] * Miles unstraps, and head to a gun turret
[21:07] <Mike_Burn> <comms> Admiral, are we ready to depart?
[21:07] <Nick_Fel> we're readxy
[21:07] <Viper7> <comms> Strikes, as soon as we jump, get out of here
[21:07] <Phil> see what uni has done to nick ,lol
[21:07] <Mike_Burn> Mark.
[21:07] * Miles powers up the turret as he puts on a head sety
[21:07] * Glantry punches
[21:08] <Mike_Burn> <comms> Miles, you cant shoot in hyperspace
[21:08] <Miles> <comms> online Davie
[21:08] <Miles> We have to get the first Sir!
[21:08] <Viper7> <comms> power it down guys, we made the jump
[21:08] <Nick_Fel> we punched about 30 seconds ago Miles
[21:08] * Davie watches the monitor as the ship passes into hyperspace
[21:08] * Corry looks at Kargeen appraisingly. Welcome to our little world. Somehow I didn't think we'd be seeing you again.
[21:08] * Miles powers down the turret
[21:09] <Hawkeye> Whew! That was fun.
[21:09] * Miles leaves the turret and sits back down next to Corry
[21:09] * Davie powers down and returns to the crew compartment
[21:09] <Glantry> <comms> welcome to Burns and Fett Air... we hope you enjoy your trip back to Farpoint
[21:09] <Phil> lol
[21:09] <Davie> that reminds me..
[21:09] * Corry raises an eyebrow. We're taking him directly to Farpoint? No thumbscrews or anything?
[21:09] <Phil> Fettburns Air, sounds better ;)
[21:09] <Mike_Burn> <comms> The seatbelt and no smoking signs are currently lit, so please refrain from moving around
[21:09] <Hawkeye> <comms> what's the movie on this flight?
[21:10] <Viper7> not like he doesn't know where it is, corry
[21:10] <Viper7> seeing as he's been there before
[21:10] <Mike_Burn> <comms> we are currently cruising altitude...please enjoy your fleet. Refreshments and novelty winks are available from the hostess.
[21:10] * Davie pulls the two bottles out of his bag that he swiped on his way out the door
[21:10] * Corry passes Miles a disinfectant cloth Here. You and I are quite a pair.
[21:10] <Davie> when we're back on teh ground the fligt crew can have these
[21:11] <Viper7> He'll be sent corward, like Shelby was. I imagine we'll see him again. They tend to send people with too much knowledge about the unknown regions back here.
[21:11] * Miles holds his chin out
[21:11] <Phil> the movies about a ship that crashes on its exit from hyperspace Hawk
[21:11] <Viper7> Mike_Burn, Nick spaced your present
[21:11] <Glantry> <comms> our feature presentation tonight will be Airplane...
[21:11] <Miles> I can't see under there
[21:11] <Nick_Fel> :)
[21:11] * Hawkeye looks over at Corry, seeing her in less than fine shape.
[21:11] * Corry chuckles and dabs and the bruise that's forming. Sorry about that.
[21:11] <Hawkeye> Asprin?
[21:11] <Viper7> sorry
[21:11] <Mike_Burn> <Comms> someone prepare an air lock, I have an Admiral to execute...
[21:12] <Nick_Fel> quiet you
[21:12] <Corry> You have aspirin? Real live aspirin? No way!
[21:12] <Glantry> lol
[21:12] <Miles> Hey Hawk, you gotta ColdPak in your bag of tricks?
[21:12] <Hawkeye> Sure. Be right with you...
[21:12] * Glantry takes out a bottle of wine....
[21:12] * Mike_Burn makes a rude gesture in the direction of the passenger area
[21:12] <Glantry> Want some Acid?
[21:12] <Mike_Burn> Oy! No drinking!
[21:13] <Mike_Burn> or hard drugs...
[21:13] <Nick_Fel> you're still on duty
[21:13] <Corry> Miles, I think we need more practice. With the fighting part that is. =P
[21:13] * Hawkeye rummages through his bag, handing the bottle of Aleve to Corry, and a ColdPak to Miles
[21:13] <Mike_Burn> wait, nevermind...heard that wrong
[21:13] * Glantry puts bottle back in his bag
[21:13] <Mike_Burn> lol
[21:13] <Phil> looks in his bag, skittles, skittles bags of them
[21:13] <Corry> Ahh heck. Thanks anyway, Doc.
[21:13] * Miles pops the ColdPak and puts it on his face
[21:14] <Mike_Burn> heh, I thought you were offering me acid...
[21:14] * Glantry starts humming... It's been a hard days night
[21:14] <Davie> ROFL
[21:14] * Corry whispers to Miles Actually, you came out lucky. If I'd been fighting someone else I would have gone right for the groin.
[21:14] <Phil> he was
[21:14] <Miles> <muffled> Anytime you want to make it to the regimental gym Corry!
[21:14] * Nick_Fel goes and gets himself stim tea
[21:15] * Corry chuckles. I'll be there tomorrow.
[21:15] * Viper7 gets the caf machine going
[21:15] <Miles> Nine sharp Colonel Ma'am
[21:15] <Davie> Congrats Miles, that sounds like a date to me. Just don't tell Conwy
[21:15] <Viper7> oooh
[21:15] <Glantry> lol
[21:15] <Corry> *thwipt*
[21:15] <Mike_Burn> Note to self; tell Conwy Miles is trying to flirt with Corry
[21:15] * Davie grins are her
[21:16] <Mike_Burn> P.S. Make sure to stand well back
[21:16] <Viper7> lmao
[21:16] <Davie> lol
[21:16] <Glantry> rolf
[21:16] <Corry> Next time, General Viper, you get to play punching bag
[21:16] <Miles> He won't mind. He's too busy
[21:16] <Corry> With what?
[21:16] <Mike_Burn> He will mind...
[21:16] <Viper7> nope, but i'm glad you've taken your sacrifice for the cause in good stride, corry:P
[21:16] <Miles> running his Battalion
[21:17] <Phil> with is other corry with his other, u are one of many to conwy
[21:17] <Mike_Burn> ...he'll quite pleasantly rip your head from it's shoulders if you flirt with Corry, lol
[21:17] <Glantry> Who would have thought tthat Corry would become a grunt!
[21:17] * Corry looks pleased but bites her lip.
[21:17] <Mike_Burn> and Conwy doens't do work, he stands around looking cool all day
[21:17] <Corry> That's Miss Grunt to you, Glantry.
[21:17] <Viper7> kinda like me
[21:17] * Viper7 hears a beeping and moves up to the bridge
[21:17] <Glantry> hehe Corry
[21:18] <Mike_Burn> nah, you stand around looking like an arse all day, it's different
[21:18] <Miles> You haven't been keeping too close tabs on him lately!
[21:18] <Mike_Burn> I keep tabs on everyone
[21:18] * Viper7 frowns and throws a lever, bringing them out of hyperspace just a little too close to farpoint for comfort
[21:18] <Corry> Wow! Who's driving this thing???
[21:18] * Hawkeye looks out the window
[21:18] <Viper7> Glantry apparently
[21:18] <Hawkeye> WHOA!
[21:18] * Viper7 wakes him up
[21:18] * Glantry takes the pilots seat
[21:19] <Mike_Burn> oh, bad!
[21:19] <Phil> lol
[21:19] * Corry glares at Miles I'm going to need an explanation for that mister. Right after my ears stop ringing.
[21:19] <Phil> i told you we would were gonna crash
[21:19] <Phil> hmm
[21:19] * Glantry flys the shuttle into Farpoint space station
[21:19] <Glantry> Not into! lol
[21:19] <Phil> take were away from that sentance
[21:19] <Glantry> On too
[21:19] <Corry> hehehe
[21:20] <Mike_Burn> we'd only crash if Nick were flying...he seems to enjoy it
[21:20] <Nick_Fel> :P
[21:20] <Phil> lol
[21:20] <Glantry> hehe
[21:20] <Corry> But he does it with panache
[21:20] <Davie> lol
[21:20] <Viper7> nah, he blows up droids
[21:20] * Miles performs a series of hand movements
[21:20] <Nick_Fel> yeah. I got sprezzatura
[21:20] * Viper7 points Droid killer!
[21:20] <Mike_Burn> yeah, my droids...
[21:20] * Glantry lands the shuttle
[21:20] <Miles> In Nomine Patrii et Filii et Zot
[21:21] <Glantry> Donte hesta el bagno
[21:21] * Corry snorts
[21:21] <Phil> we should put him on trail for killing droids, could be the next RPG, lol
[21:21] <Viper7> ...that's ironic
[21:21] <Corry> He could kill Jol and find out that he's a droid...
[21:21] <Corry> ok, need more sleep
[21:21] * Mike_Burn glances at the anvil hanging above Miles' head
[21:21] <Davie> LOL
[21:21] <Mike_Burn> Who put that there? :S
[21:22] * Viper7 moves his mouse over the kick button
[21:22] <Corry> The Anvil of Damaclese
[21:22] * Miles gets up and moves towards the ramp
[21:22] <Corry> or.. how do you spell that anyhow?
[21:22] * Nick_Fel chokes on his tea
[21:22] * Glantry open hatch..
[21:22] <Glantry> Get the hell out peeps
[21:22] <Miles> DAMOCLES
[21:22] * Viper7 was kicked by Viper7 (Go go gadget army boot!)
[21:22] <Corry> Yes sir!
[21:22] <Davie> ROFL
[21:22] <Corry> LOL
[21:22] <Phil> lmao
[21:22] <Miles> (and its were a swooard)
[21:23] <Corry> :D
[21:23] <Viper7> there, everyone feel happy now?
[21:23] * Phil heads down the ramp
[21:23] <Hawkeye> Weeeee!
[21:23] * Miles beathes the freash air of Farpoint
[21:23] * Hawkeye trots down the ramp and lights a cuban
[21:23] * Viper7 takes the cigar and spaces it
[21:23] * Corry takes Kargeen by the arm. Now, a few small questions about your propulsion systems....
[21:23] <Viper7> no smoking on base
[21:23] <Miles> Cheated Charon again
[21:23] <Glantry> We're on the space staion Miles
[21:23] <Mike_Burn> we're on a's recycled air, lol
[21:23] * Davie walks down the ramp and heads off to change.
[21:23] <Glantry> No fresh auir here lol
[21:23] <Hawkeye> Awww...
[21:24] <Miles> Hmm, Better than Imperial air!
[21:24] <Phil> so whats next
[21:24] * Glantry walks to the transport rings
[21:24] <Nick_Fel> after mission party of course
[21:24] * Miles heads towards the ring transporter room
[21:24] <Phil> same bar as always?
[21:24] <Corry> just no trout. please.
[21:25] <Viper7> ***MISSION END***

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