Rogue Squadron
Chat Missions

09-Apr-2005: Operation Orion's Heart

07-Feb-2004: Operation Milk Run

23-Aug-2003: Operation Lights Out

16-Aug-2003: Operation Advantage

09-Aug-2003: Emergency Mission Poseidon

28-Jul-2003: Operation Sky Base

26-Jul-2003: Operation Moonwalk

12-Jul-2003: Operation Forced Recovery

28-Jun-2003: Operation Rebel Supply

24-Apr-2003: Operation Desert Moon

15-Mar-2003: Operation Dark Corner

01-Mar-2003: Operation Prevailing Eagle

01-Feb-2003: Operation Forged Dagger

25-Jan-2003: Operation Intriguing Aspect

18-Jan-2003: Operation Red Dawn

11-Jan-2003: Operation Blue Glory

16-Nov-2002: Operation Frozen Horizon

23-Aug-2002: Operation Omega

09-Aug-2002: Operation Desert Strike II

02-Aug-2002: Operation Black Dragon

26-Jul-2002: Operation Julio

22-Jul-2002: Operation Holdout

08-Jul-2002: Operation Jericho

15-Jun-2002: Training Mission

09-Jun-2002: Operation Desert Strike

"X-Wing: Alliance" Missions

03-Aug-2002: Escort Nemhain

27-Jul-2002: Defend Farpoint

20-Apr-2002: Save Intel's Ass

13-Apr-2002: TRAP!

Operation Milk Run

Mission Leader: Anton "Viper" Moore

Mission Classification: Theta I Escort

Mission Transcript: [Available]

Recently, Intelligence has been receiving information from a source inside Steele's palace on Ankhron that has led us to previously unknown listening posts, tabanna gas mining and storage facilities, and prison camps. Every time his information has been right on the mark, and he has proven himself trustworthy.

Unfortunately, other intelligence assets on Ankhron indicate that our source has been found out by Steele and imprisoned pending execution. We will have to move quickly to save him.

We will be taking the Loose Cannon to Ankhron. She has had her engine signature and transponder modified to match that of the ATX-1138B, a freighter that runs between Ankhron and Keshmar, running supplies from the capital world to the garrisons in the area. The 1138B was intercepted and destroyed about two days ago by Nirvana and Banshee squadron. No signal was allowed to escape, so Steele does not yet know that the freighter was destroyed. The Loose Cannon should have no trouble.

The informant will meet us on one of the orbital stations. He's chosen a mid-class cantina as his pickup point.

Should just be a simple snatch and run. Once we've made contact, we will proceed back to the Cannon and head for space. Incase we encounter trouble, two of the TIE Interceptors left over from the infiltration mission will be stowed in the freighter's cargo bays. Sensor baffling equipment will be installed in the bays to shield them from detection.

Anton "Viper" Moore, Benjamin "Hawkeye" Pierce, Corry Vrecken, David Sinclair, Glantry Fett, Mike "Acid" Burn, Miles Fortis, Nick Fel, Phil Fett

Injuries to Personnel/Equipment:
Superficial injuries only.

The Cannon managed to make it in without major incident. We had a minor worrying fit when it took Ankhron traffic control to respond to our access code, but it was accepted and we were given permission to dock.

Once the ship was securely docked and powered down to standby, the teams were assigned, and the mission begun. Mike was designated to stay behind with the ship and keep her ready should we find ourselves in need of a fast escape.

Glantry, Corry, and Miles were assigned to Nick on lookout duty while Phil, Hawkeye, and Davie came with me for the actual contact.

We made it to the cantina without major mishap, other than a short stop at a local liquor store to retrieve a bottle of Vodka for Mike, which Nick promptly spaced.

The contact team set up shop inside while the lookout team did as their name suggested. Except for Miles and Corry, who somehow ended up browsing through a chocolates store.

Our contact was sighted and identified as General Kargeen, commander of Steele's ground forces. Contact was made, but in the process a squad of troopers entered the bar, obviously searching for the General.

Quick thinking on my part had Corry and Miles—who had been posing as a couple outside the aforementioned chocolates store—start a domestic disturbance that would distract the troopers. Furthermore, Hawkeye was added to the confusion as an Imperial officer who had had too much to drink.

I then switched rank insignia with Kargeen and Phil and I escorted him out of the canteen, right under the noses of the security forces.

Once clear we made for the ship, our teams in various states of retreat.

Eventually Steele's forces figured out what was going on and gave pursuit, but by that time it was too late, and everyone made it back to the ship with out major incident.

Once clear, Strike One and Strike Two were scrambled from the Cannon's bays to provide cover until the ship made it to hyperspace. Our departure had apparently caught traffic control unawares and we made it away with out being challenged.

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