Rogue Squadron
Chat Missions

09-Apr-2005: Operation Orion's Heart

07-Feb-2004: Operation Milk Run

23-Aug-2003: Operation Lights Out

16-Aug-2003: Operation Advantage

09-Aug-2003: Emergency Mission Poseidon

28-Jul-2003: Operation Sky Base

26-Jul-2003: Operation Moonwalk

12-Jul-2003: Operation Forced Recovery

28-Jun-2003: Operation Rebel Supply

24-Apr-2003: Operation Desert Moon

15-Mar-2003: Operation Dark Corner

01-Mar-2003: Operation Prevailing Eagle

01-Feb-2003: Operation Forged Dagger

25-Jan-2003: Operation Intriguing Aspect

18-Jan-2003: Operation Red Dawn

11-Jan-2003: Operation Blue Glory

16-Nov-2002: Operation Frozen Horizon

23-Aug-2002: Operation Omega

09-Aug-2002: Operation Desert Strike II

02-Aug-2002: Operation Black Dragon

26-Jul-2002: Operation Julio

22-Jul-2002: Operation Holdout

08-Jul-2002: Operation Jericho

15-Jun-2002: Training Mission

09-Jun-2002: Operation Desert Strike

"X-Wing: Alliance" Missions

03-Aug-2002: Escort Nemhain

27-Jul-2002: Defend Farpoint

20-Apr-2002: Save Intel's Ass

13-Apr-2002: TRAP!

Operation Advantage

Mission Leader: Padme Fett

Mission Classification: Theta IX Rescue

Mission Transcript: Unavailable

The RS has been called upon by the Asgard, Thor has been taken by the Goa'uld and is being held and tortured On a Goa'uld master ship. Meanwhile the replicators are attacking. Shields on the ship are down. We will go thru the gate to PX7-994. there are transporter rings on the planet where we will then transport to the 3erd level on the Gou'ald ship. With all the Gou'ald fighting the replicators we should have it easy going to the 1st level where Thor is. We will then set the auto-destruct and will have 10 minutes to transport back down to the planet. The auto-destruct is 3 rooms over from where Thor is being held. Intel has found that in the room with Thor there are data cards with important new Gou'ald technology. We will try and get this information.

Gear- We have gained Gou'ald patrol uniforms

Weapons-Command officers are issued a sidearm of their own choosing. Standard issue secondary weapons are the BlasTech DL-18 blaster pistol and a New Republic issue vibroblade. We will have Nergon 14 charges ,and a Biotech MediKit for first aid treatment.

Amaya Karrde, Camill Kenobi, David Sinclair, Glantry Fett, Mike "Acid" Burn, Padme Fett, Phil Fett

Injuries to Personnel/Equipment:
Dracuna - broken wing, hurt leg, and cuts and bruises.
Amaya Karrde - straggled by a Jaffa
Padme Fett - a broken ankle
Other minor bumps and bruises to additional personnel

After a 30 minute briefing. Since Padme had to type the whole thing out. We traveled thru the Stargate to planet PX7-994 A very humid rainy tropical planet. As Drucuna was coming thru the gate on the other side, she tripped a trip wire. Glantry disarmed it and We made our way to the transporter rings to the pyramid on the planet which are across a long rope and plank bridge from the Stargate. Dracuna flew to the other side as the other RS members went cross the swaying old bridge. Padme making the bridge sway more for the fun of it. Padme's foot falling thru a rotten blank. Glantry helped her across. After crossing the bridge we made our way up 30 steps to the rings in the pyramid. Phil found the control panel and we transported to the 3erd level of the Gou'ald ship. Phil scanned the area to find many replicators and jaffa. We then made our way down the corridor to the elevator thingy. Dracuna was attacked as her weapon jammed and she was swarmed by Replicators. Glantry, Acid, Nef and Phil helped clear them off her and took out the remaining replicators that were around. We made our way to where Thor was, got him, Acid, Nef, Padme got captured and locked in a room. They spent a little will pondering how to get out. While Glantry, Phil and Acid kicked Gou'ald butt. Glantry, Davie and Phil came to the rescue of the locked up klan. Glantry carrying the little guy with him. Glantry by blowing up the door. We made our way to the where the self destruct was. Phil getting lost. The self destruct was initialised. We made our way back. Glantry carrying the little guy Thor. While acid and Glantry fighting about what colour he is. Meanwhile Phil finds the team. with a few minutes left we head for the transport rings being chased by replicators. Padme running behind everyone else trips and falls. Dracuna comes and carries Padme to the rings. With 5 seconds to spare with Padme's bad math. Padme keep saying 0 seconds left till self destruct so then RS members get back to the rainy planet. We enjoy the fireworks of the ship blowing up and Go thru the gate and return home. Dracunna taking padme to medical and Phil and Glantry taking a break sipping soda while trying to figure out whom was keeping the little gray guy. We then went to O'malleys afterwards.

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