Rogue Squadron
Transcript: Operation Dark Corner

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[15:17] * Miles trots out of the room towards the armory
[15:17] <davie> lol
[15:17] * Viper7 checks out his E11
[15:17] * Atomic picks up his standard gear, armour and all, then his pulse blaster, vibro katana and deathsledge.
[15:17] * davie heads toward the armory to check out an E11 and a zat
[15:17] <Atomic> <comms> Click Click
[15:17] * Viper7 pulls on his standard gear
[15:18] <Viper7> <comms> cheeky git, comm check
[15:18] * Corry pulls on her armour and pats her zat lovingly
[15:18] <davie> .me pulls on his regular armor and straps on the zat holster
[15:18] * Miles gets a E11 with grenade launcher.& 5 bandoleers of grenades
[15:18] <Corry> FIVE!
[15:18] * Viper7 loads up and heads down to the control room
[15:18] <davie> remind me not to stand to close to him on an Israeli bus....
[15:19] * Glantry grabs whatever he'll think of during the mission
[15:19] <Corry> LOL
[15:19] * Atomic straps the pulse blaster to one leg, his katana and pack to his back, then grabs a TER and straps it to his other leg
[15:19] * Miles Puts on full space armor & straps on his gear
[15:19] * Atomic grabs his sniper blaster and heads to the gate room
[15:19] * Corry relieves Atomic of three of his vibroblades and hides them about her person
[15:19] * Glantry makes his way to the control room
[15:19] * davie puts his two vibroblades in their sheaths and walks to the control room
[15:19] * Thorn checks her gear and heads for the gate room
[15:19] * Viper7 begins the dialing sequence
[15:19] * Miles heads to the gate room while strapping his Zat on over his armor
[15:19] * Viper7 ch1 engaged
[15:20] * Corry enters the gate room
[15:20] * Viper7 ch2 engaged
[15:20] * Viper7 ch3 engaged
[15:20] <davie> sunglasses anyone?
[15:20] * Thorn stands at the foot of the ramp
[15:20] * Viper7 ch4 engaged
[15:20] * Atomic makes sure his vibro spike works
[15:20] * Viper7 ch5 engaged
[15:20] <Corry> Cheeky
[15:20] <davie> thank you
[15:20] * Viper7 ch6 engaged
[15:20] * Viper7 ch7 locked
[15:20] <Thorn> hey, who was supposed to bring the krispy kremes?
[15:20] * Viper7 wormhole engaged
[15:20] * Corry hands Miles his seasick pills
[15:20] <Atomic> I thought Oreos?
[15:20] * Viper7 makes his way back down to the gate room
[15:20] <Thorn> OREOS!!
[15:21] * Atomic runs through the Event Horizon
[15:21] * Miles takes his seasick pills
[15:21] * Miles Is innocent O:o)
[15:21] * Miles goes Awwww........
[15:21] <Corry> No funny colored centers, OK?
[15:21] * Miles giggles loudly
[15:21] * Miles goes Awwww........
[15:21] * Miles goes Awwww........
[15:21] <Corry> oops! wrong pills
[15:21] <Thorn> if he has oreos!
[15:21] * Viper7 makes his way up the ramp
[15:21] * davie walks up the ramp, E11 at the ready
[15:21] * Thorn heads through the event horizon after Atomic
[15:21] * Viper7 grabs the back of thorn's and corry's combat harneses
[15:21] * Viper7 drags them thorugh the event horizon
[15:21] <Thorn> heyy!
[15:21] <Corry> Yes sir! Coming sir!
[15:21] * Glantry goes up the ramp
[15:22] * davie steps through teh event horizon and comes out on teh planet
[15:22] * Miles puts on his space armor helmet charges his E11 and heads through the event horizon
[15:22] * Atomic exits the stargate, quickly raising his blaster and surveying the area
[15:22] * Miles burps
[15:22] * Atomic hides the oreos
[15:22] * Miles Is innocent O:o)
[15:22] <Miles> I hate gate travel
[15:22] * Corry tries to look like an officer as she shrugs out of Viper's grasp
[15:22] * Viper7 exits out the other side and releases the two oreo fools
[15:22] * Thorn pops out of the event horizon
[15:22] <Corry> LOL
[15:22] <Glantry> It beats walking Miles
[15:22] <Viper7> Atomic, status?
[15:23] <Atomic> <comms> Clear
[15:23] * Miles Moves out 20 meters from the gate to the left
[15:23] <Corry> He's standing right next to you!
[15:23] <Atomic> <comms> I got some foilage North
[15:23] <Viper7> <comms> fan out and secure the gate area
[15:23] <Atomic> <comms> I likes my comms
[15:23] <Corry> :P
[15:23] <Viper7> <comms> there is no foliage fool
[15:23] * Glantry faning
[15:23] <Thorn> foilage? are we on the right planet?
[15:23] <Miles> <comms> check?
[15:23] <Viper7> <comms> read the breifing
[15:24] * Corry heads to the south to check out an interesting rock
[15:24] * davie moves off to secure a perimeter
[15:24] <Atomic> <comms> so I'm blind
[15:24] <Thorn> we need to find the first marker
[15:24] * Viper7 makes his way over to the DHD and checks it for functuality
[15:24] * Viper7 smacks Acid
[15:24] <Miles> <comms> Davie are you left or right of the iris?
[15:24] * Corry watches Acid pop out of the event horizon "Oh, this should be fun..."
[15:24] * Atomic grabs himself a nice vantage point and begins scanning
[15:24] <davie> <comms> right side
[15:25] <Miles> <comms> good
[15:25] <Atomic> <comms> still clear
[15:25] <Thorn> anyone spotted that marker yet?
[15:25] <davie> <comms> BTW Miles, there's no iris here
[15:26] <Viper7> <comms> ok boys and girles and oreo fanatics we gotta find the cave
[15:26] <Miles> <comms> yeeps!
[15:26] <Miles> (ring)
[15:26] <Atomic> <comms> I got me a nice big rock formation a klick and a half east
[15:26] <Viper7> <comms> sounds good
[15:27] <Atomic> <comms> no foilage :p
[15:27] <Viper7> <comms> two volenteers get to stay behind and watch the gate
[15:27] <davie> <comms> I see it
[15:27] <Viper7> <comms> who am i going to volenteer?
[15:27] <Atomic> <comms> I'll keep a vantage
[15:27] <Atomic> <comms> Cover the gate and you guys
[15:27] * Corry peers into the semi-gloom "Is that a dust devil on the horizon?"
[15:27] <Viper7> <comms> ok, atomic, pick your co-conspiritor
[15:27] * Miles whispering to Corry Never Again Volunteer Yourself
[15:28] * Thorn acts inconspicuous
[15:28] <Atomic> <comms> Corry wins
[15:28] <Corry> :P
[15:28] <Atomic> <comms> The yak smell just does it for me
[15:28] <Viper7> damn
[15:28] <davie> <comms> not even going there......
[15:28] * Thorn waves and heads east
[15:28] <Viper7> <comms> hold on folks
[15:29] * davie stops moving East and waits for Vipers orders
[15:29] * Thorn throws on the brakes and waits
[15:29] <Corry> <comms> tell my family I loved them...
[15:29] -> *Atomic* ok, i plan to land a mothership and fight our way back to the gate, think you can handle that bit?
[15:29] <davie> <comms> what you got Vipe?
[15:29] <Viper7> <comms> planning phase, just hold your horses
[15:29] <davie> lol, okay then <sets out a chess set>
[15:30] <Viper7> <comms> alright, corry and atomic get to watch the gate
[15:30] <Viper7> <comms> Davie, pair off with thorn, Glantry and Miles get to buddy off
[15:30] <Viper7> <comms> I'll take point
[15:30] * Atomic flicks his rifle around, looking fro any targets
[15:30] * Viper7 sets off toward the rock outcropping
[15:30] <davie> <comms> will do, we'll cover the right flank
[15:31] <Viper7> <comms> copy
[15:31] * Viper7 moves forward quickly but cautiously
[15:31] <Miles> <comms>OK Viper. Glantry I'm left of the gate I'll vary left flank you OK with right?
[15:31] <Glantry> no promblem
[15:31] * Thorn heads off with Davie
[15:31] <Atomic> <comms> Corry, grab some mines and start laying them around the gate
[15:31] * davie moves to follow Viper keeping about 20 meters to his right
[15:31] <Miles> <comms> righty O & off we go
[15:32] <Corry> with pleasure
[15:32] * Miles moves out on the left flank with Glantry to his right
[15:32] * Glantry is on the move
[15:32] <Atomic> You can even hold the detonator, if it makes you feel safer
[15:32] * Viper7 stops infront of a rock formation with something etched into the face
[15:32] * Corry wipes brow in relief
[15:32] <Viper7> <comms> thorn, get over here
[15:32] <davie> <comms> Corry, take him up on that offer.....
[15:33] * Viper7 smacks davie
[15:33] <Corry> <comms>good advice
[15:33] <Viper7> no godmodding
[15:33] * Miles loads grenades into launcher
[15:33] <davie> yeah, yeah
[15:33] <Viper7> :P
[15:33] <Glantry> You expecting company Miles?
[15:33] <Viper7> <comms> Thorn!
[15:33] * Corry mutters to herself, "Let's see... the flat side on the claymore goes out...right?
[15:34] <Miles> Never know Glantry
[15:34] * davie keeps an eye out as Thorn walks over to Vipers position
[15:34] <Viper7> Where the hell is she?
[15:34] <Thorn> yes Viper? you rang?
[15:34] <Miles> Better to load now than in a hurry!
[15:34] <Viper7> oh
[15:34] <Viper7> what's that say?
[15:34] * Viper7 points to the wording in the stone
[15:35] <Viper7> i dont recognize the language
[15:35] * Thorn mutters about babbel fish...
[15:35] * Corry comms Thorn "Try Speak Friend and Enter"
[15:35] <Glantry> lol
[15:35] * Corry tries again "Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here?"
[15:36] <Miles> Try OPEN Saskatchewan Thorn!
[15:36] <Thorn> hmmm, all right you guys, that is not helping :P
[15:36] <Viper7> We're not quite there yet, this looks kind of like a trail marker or something
[15:37] * Corry goes back to setting mines
[15:37] * Miles shuffles back to his look out point near Glantry
[15:37] <Thorn> yes, it gives directions, but it deals with the setting of the sun
[15:37] <Glantry> The righting says London 4500000 miles
[15:37] <Thorn> which we cant see
[15:37] * davie settles in for a long wait
[15:37] <Viper7> you think this planet once was much diffrent?
[15:37] <Thorn> does the sun rise in the east here too?
[15:38] <Viper7> I'm not certain
[15:38] <Glantry> Where's Intel when you need them?
[15:38] <Viper7> someone take a holo of it, we'll do some decypering when we get back
[15:38] <Thorn> ok,
[15:38] * Miles asks Glantry what his field ration main entre' is
[15:38] * Thorn pulls out the recorder
[15:39] <Atomic> <comms> I bet it says 'O'Neill woz ere'
[15:39] <Glantry> Say what?
[15:39] <Mike_> <waves> observing missions
[15:39] <Viper7> <comms> smart ass....
[15:39] <Thorn> Atomic, do something usefull with that scope of yours
[15:39] <Mike_> :D you know you love me really
[15:39] <Thorn> see if there is another marker on the horizon
[15:39] * Atomic zooms in on Thorn
[15:40] * Thorn crosses her eyes
[15:40] <Viper7> acid, i'm gonna have nick kick you out if you dont stop
[15:40] <Atomic> <comms> We don't increase rank by disposing of commanders here do we?
[15:40] <Atomic> <comms> Pity really.
[15:40] * Atomic continues scanning horizon
[15:40] <Miles> Glantry, you mean you didn't bring food?
[15:40] <Viper7> <comms> actually, that would give Red a promotion
[15:40] <Thorn> attrition doesnt work here, bud
[15:41] <Atomic> <comms> So she'd be next
[15:41] <Glantry> Of course I did :)
[15:41] <Viper7> <comms> yea, but you're R&D, not intel
[15:41] <Atomic> <comms> Marker, bearing 302, 2.3 klicks
[15:41] <Atomic> <comms> So I'd get rid of you all
[15:41] <Miles> SO what's in it?
[15:42] <Viper7> <comms> ok, is that rock outcropping between the two markers?
[15:42] <Glantry> Elven rations
[15:42] <davie> <comms> hate to say it, but fleet doesn't get you anything
[15:42] <Corry> <comms> I hate to hurry you all along, but I'm standing out here in the open and there is a dust cloud building on the southern horizon...
[15:42] <Miles> wanna trade "Lentil Stew"?
[15:42] <Atomic> <comms> Looks that way
[15:42] <Thorn> ok Vipe, lets head for the rock outcropping
[15:42] <davie> brb, door
[15:43] <Glantry> If we stop and eat, I ll trade y'a
[15:43] <Thorn> we should be able to see the marker from there
[15:43] <Viper7> sounds good
[15:43] <Viper7> off we go
[15:43] * Viper7 makes off toward the outcropping
[15:43] <Miles> Ok Glantry Looks like they're off again. Here we go
[15:43] * Thorn heads after him
[15:43] * Glantry waits for Miles to lead on
[15:44] * Miles takes the left flank agin & follows Viper's lead
[15:44] * Thorn reaches the outcrop and climbs to the top
[15:44] <Atomic> <comms> Vipe, I suggest Corry and I move up so we can cover you better, there's a small outcrop about a klick from us now
[15:44] <Viper7> <comms> have you mined the gate?
[15:44] * Corry watches the groups progress through her macrobinocs
[15:45] <Atomic> <comms> Corry?
[15:45] * Thorn points further east
[15:45] <Corry> <comms>Nicely seeded
[15:45] <Thorn> I see a second marker
[15:45] <Atomic> <comms> We'll move up
[15:45] <Viper7> i got it too
[15:45] * Atomic runs down to Corry
[15:45] * Thorn hops down
[15:45] <Viper7> <comms> ok, go for it atomic
[15:46] <Atomic> C'mon, let's head for that outcrop.
[15:46] * Thorn continues to head east
[15:46] * Miles scan left while still moving along
[15:46] * Corry and Atomic start for the outcropping
[15:46] * davie follows treh group muttering about door ro door evangelists
[15:46] <davie> *the
[15:46] <Atomic> rofl
[15:46] * Viper7 sights the cave entrance
[15:46] <Viper7> <comms> I've got it!
[15:46] * Glantry skans right... still moving
[15:46] <Thorn> lets check out the marker first
[15:46] * Corry climbs on the first level of rocks
[15:47] * Atomic and Corry take up positions to cover the group
[15:47] * Thorn looks it over - More of the same writing
[15:47] <Viper7> alright, Thorn, take davie and check it out, we'll secure the entrance
[15:47] * Miles takes up a cover posittion to the left
[15:47] <Atomic> Corry, watch the gate and surroundings
[15:47] <Corry> got it
[15:47] <davie> we're on our way
[15:47] * Viper7 moves in toward the cave
[15:47] <Miles> Glantry, move up to my right about 5 meters out
[15:47] <Glantry> Will do Miles
[15:47] <Miles> Sac outboard
[15:48] * davie steps into teh cave and lets his eyes adjust for a moment as he pulls out a flashlight
[15:48] <Miles> Scan
[15:48] * Thorn takes a holo of the marker, it is much bigger than the first
[15:48] * Glantry scaning
[15:48] * Viper7 flicks on his barrel mounted glow rod and takes a look into the darkend mouth of the cave
[15:48] * Thorn notes it has a drawing of what looks like the sun rising on it
[15:48] <Viper7> <comms> it seems to go back quite a way
[15:49] <Atomic> <comms> You're clear from here
[15:49] * Thorn shrugs at Davie and heads toward the cave
[15:49] <davie> bloody hell, door again, thorn cover me, I'll brb
[15:49] <Thorn> k!
[15:49] * Viper7 watches as Thorn and Davie approach
[15:49] <Thorn> (since i cant seem to keep up today anyway... oh well)
[15:49] <Viper7> what'd you find?
[15:50] <Thorn> nothing easily translatable
[15:50] <Miles> <comms>Atomic, you made to that outcropping yet?
[15:50] <Glantry> What else you got besides Lentil soup?
[15:50] <Atomic> <comms> We're here Miles
[15:50] * Corry whips out a vibroblade and impales a grey, flatheaded snake. "Lookie what's hiding in the rocks"
[15:51] <Corry> <comms>watch out for snakes.
[15:51] <Viper7> alright, havent seen much past the first fifty meters. its quite dark.
[15:51] <Thorn> pictograph of a rising sun - snakes!!
[15:51] <Miles> I've got one these experimental oatmeal cookie bars
[15:51] <Thorn> I hate snakes
[15:51] * Viper7 laughs
[15:51] * Atomic laughs 'Cook it up for me'
[15:51] * Miles stands so Atomic can see him
[15:51] <Corry> <comms>these sharp end is the only problem
[15:51] <Glantry> I have beef jerky
[15:51] <Viper7> into the cave with us
[15:51] <Miles> <comms>We're here Atomic
[15:52] <Viper7> Thorn, take point and watch for any booby traps
[15:52] * Thorn pulls out her hand lamp and flashes it on the floor of the cave
[15:52] <Atomic> <comms> Damn you Miles, get that food outta my sights, I'm hungry
[15:52] * Glantry advances to cave
[15:52] <Viper7> Miles, you take up the rear, everyone else fill in behind Thorn, but leave her some space incase she sets something off
[15:52] <Thorn> I can make out a trail, something walked through here alot
[15:52] <Thorn> and thanks for the backup, Vipe
[15:53] * Thorn heads further into the cave
[15:53] <Viper7> no problem
[15:53] * Miles waits until everbody is 5 meters in front then follows along
[15:53] * Corry hands the snake to Atomic "Just a few seconds with a low powered blaster and you'll have lunch"
[15:53] * Glantry enters cave Miles right behind him
[15:53] * Viper7 follows Thorn, flashing his glowrod beam over the walls and floor of the cave
[15:53] * Miles Is incredible bored
[15:53] * Miles Is incredible bored
[15:53] <Miles> brb phone
[15:53] * Corry keeps on eye on the dust cloud and wishes someone else were concerned that it's getting closer.
[15:53] * Atomic takes the snake, then offers to make a new scent for Corry to mask the Yakkiness
[15:54] * Thorn stops and looks around
[15:54] <Thorn> do you feel a breeze?
[15:54] <Viper7> kinda
[15:54] <davie> I swear to God, not five minutes after the Evangelists, it was the Later Day Saints.....
[15:54] <Glantry> <comms> their's something slimy on the walls
[15:54] * Corry thanks Atomic politely.
[15:54] * Atomic smiles
[15:54] <Viper7> ((ooc: we don't find it on this one just the marker tablet, dont forget.))
[15:55] <Thorn> ((yup yup))
[15:55] <Viper7> what do you got?
[15:55] * Thorn heads forward cautiously
[15:55] * Corry translates for Thorn "Yub Yub"
[15:55] * davie follows slightly behind thorn
[15:56] * Thorn throws herself to the side as stalagtites begin to fall
[15:56] <Thorn> LOOKOUT!
[15:56] * Viper7 dives to the side to avoid a falling stalagtite
[15:56] <Glantry> What!
[15:56] <Viper7> cover!
[15:57] <Viper7> Thorn! What'd you do??
[15:57] * Thorn rolls under some cover
[15:57] <Glantry> That was close Vipe
[15:57] <Viper7> ok, who touched something?
[15:57] <Thorn> I walked through the breeze?@?!?!?t
[15:58] <Viper7> is anyone hurt?
[15:58] * Thorn looks up at the roof of the cave
[15:58] <Miles> OK here Viper
[15:58] <davie> I'm ok
[15:58] <Glantry> It didn't get to us in the back
[15:58] * davie helps Thorn to her feet
[15:58] <Thorn> Thanks
[15:58] * Atomic begins to sing quietly to himself to help him concentrate
[15:58] * Thorn shakes her head and begins to head further on
[15:58] <Miles> brb stll on phone
[15:58] * Viper7 rolls out from under an overhang and takes a look at the wall
[15:59] <Viper7> Thorn! hold up!
[15:59] * Thorn stops still
[15:59] <davie> what you got Vipe?
[15:59] <Glantry> <comms> is the sun out yet Corry?
[15:59] * Viper7 brushes dust off the symbols engraved into the wall
[15:59] <Viper7> writings
[15:59] <Viper7> i recognize this one!
[16:00] <Viper7> it's the symbol for this planet
[16:00] <Corry> nope, still overcast
[16:00] <Atomic> <comms> Anything yet?
[16:00] * Glantry slowly walks behind Vipe
[16:00] <Thorn> can I put my foot down?
[16:00] * davie moves in to see what Viper is looking at
[16:00] <Viper7> yea
[16:00] <Viper7> it seems to be some sort of map
[16:00] <Thorn> whew...
[16:00] <Glantry> No put the other one up as well Thorn
[16:01] * Corry joins Atomic in the chorus
[16:01] <Thorn> helpful Glantry ;P
[16:01] <Viper7> according to this, we are here <points>
[16:01] <Viper7> there should be a side tunnel back here, but we didnt see it
[16:01] <Glantry> <looks>
[16:01] <Miles> (back0 feewew
[16:01] * Atomic flips his macroscope to thermal
[16:01] <Viper7> Thorn, that breeze....
[16:01] * Thorn looks over to the small opening
[16:01] <Viper7> you think the opening could have been sealed up?
[16:02] <davie> If I didn't want something found....
[16:02] <Thorn> right, they would block the entrance with a rock fall
[16:03] * Viper7 goes back to the spot where thorn was when the rocks fell
[16:03] * Thorn heads back to where she felt the breeze
[16:03] * Viper7 turns to feel the breeze
[16:03] <Viper7> there!
[16:03] * Viper7 points
[16:03] <Glantry> <looks>
[16:03] * Thorn sees signs of an old rock fall
[16:03] * Corry shifts position and wonders what the worst thing is that can live underground
[16:03] * davie sees a rockfall
[16:03] <Glantry> They covered the netrance with mud
[16:03] <Viper7> you think this cave's stable enough to use munitions to open it or do we have to do it the hard way?
[16:03] <Thorn> should we call for Atomic??
[16:04] * Miles slings his E11
[16:04] * davie starts examing the surrounding walls and roof
[16:04] * Thorn looks at the ceiling
[16:04] <davie> I think it will hold, but don't use much
[16:04] <Thorn> looks stable to me too
[16:04] <Viper7> Miles, you've had the structual munitions course more recently than the rest of us, blow us an opening
[16:04] * Corry asks Atomic, "Ever see Tremors?
[16:05] <Miles> OK Who's got the Nergal?
[16:05] <Viper7> Nergon
[16:05] <Miles> Ok NERGON
[16:05] <Viper7> :P
[16:05] * Glantry walks back to the cave entrance
[16:05] * Atomic grimices. "One too many times."
[16:05] * Viper7 withdraws a block of nergon-14
[16:05] * Corry grins
[16:05] * Thorn shines her light around the entrance to the smaller tunnel
[16:05] <Viper7> you may want to reduce that
[16:05] * Viper7 hands it to Miles
[16:05] * Miles grabs the Nergon & a primer cap
[16:06] <Viper7> Everyone under cover!
[16:06] <Thorn> how long ago do you think this was closed off?
[16:06] <Miles> separates the block into 4 pieces
[16:06] * Viper7 moves back down the cave
[16:06] <Viper7> had to have been for awhile
[16:06] * davie follows Viper and slides under an overhanging ledge
[16:06] * Thorn watches over Miles' shoulder
[16:06] * Viper7 takes cover and waits for miles to finish
[16:07] * Miles pleces the pieces equidistant apart primes the first pirce
[16:07] <Miles> Any body got Det Cord?
[16:07] <Viper7> what do you need det cord for?
[16:07] <Thorn> we need to get out of here entirely, or the concussion will blow our eardrums
[16:07] <Viper7> you've got remote detonators
[16:07] <Viper7> you're right thorn
[16:07] <Viper7> everyone out of the cave!
[16:07] * Thorn heads for the entrance to the cave
[16:08] <Miles> ooo you didn't tell me that!
[16:08] * Viper7 makes his way back out of the cave
[16:08] * davie moes out from under cover and heads for the opening
[16:08] * Glantry sees Thorn
[16:08] <Glantry> finally
[16:08] <Viper7> since when have we used the little box and plunger mechanism?
[16:08] * Miles sets up remote detonators to the four pieces & heads back out of the cave
[16:08] <Viper7> electronics, man!
[16:08] <Miles> Everybody Out?
[16:08] <Thorn> heh, I have always wanted to use one of the box detonators
[16:09] * Viper7 takes cover and looks to miles
[16:09] <Miles> FIRE IN THE HOLE!
[16:09] * Viper7 nods
[16:09] <Glantry> BOOOOOOMMMMM
[16:09] * Miles trips the blast detonator
[16:09] <Thorn> wow., sound travels fast here
[16:09] <Viper7> lol
[16:09] <Glantry> lol
[16:09] <Thorn> hehehheh
[16:10] <Miles> Low air density I guess!
[16:10] * davie wastches as a fine cloud of dust blows out of the cave
[16:10] <davie> LOL
[16:10] * Viper7 allows the dust to clear and heads back into the cave
[16:10] * Glantry follows right behind Vipe
[16:10] * davie moves back into the cave with the rest
[16:10] * Miles unslings his E11 and waits for everyone to re enter the cave
[16:11] * Viper7 makes his over the rubble pile that once blocked off the side chamber and flashes his glowrod around
[16:11] <Miles> Well, Did it work?
[16:11] * Glantry grabs his Zat
[16:11] <Thorn> looks good to me
[16:11] <Viper7> it did, quite well
[16:11] <davie> looks like it
[16:11] * Viper7 steps into the chamber
[16:11] * Glantry then puts it back in his holster
[16:11] <Miles> There are very few problems that can't be solved by the proper use of explosives
[16:12] <Thorn> heh
[16:12] <davie> amen to that
[16:12] * Thorn follows behind Viper
[16:12] <Thorn> wow.
[16:12] * Corry looks at Atomic, "Should we be at all worried that a big bang just went off?"
[16:12] * Viper7 centers his glowrod beam on a shield propped up against a sword stuck into the stone
[16:12] <Viper7> that look like a funeral cairn to anyone?
[16:12] <Glantry> <comms> don't worry Corry lol
[16:12] <davie> if it isn't, I don't know what
[16:12] <Thorn> oh yeah...
[16:13] * Miles follows up the rest through the opening
[16:13] * Atomic looks back, "No, they were clear of the cave as an explosion detonated within. They must be digging."
[16:13] <Viper7> get the holorecorder running, i think we found what we're looking for.
[16:13] <Corry> <comms> oh good.
[16:13] <Thorn> k, up and running
[16:13] * davie wonders when Glantry became telepathic....
[16:13] <Miles> <comms> say what Corry?
[16:13] * Thorn focuses on the cairn
[16:13] * Atomic smirked. "Digging with half a block too much Nergon
[16:13] * Viper7 takes a closer look at the shield
[16:13] * Glantry wonders too
[16:14] <Viper7> this looks like an anchent tau'ri language
[16:14] <Corry> <comms> oh nothing... just wondering if I should head for home and notify your next of kin...
[16:14] <Viper7> I think it's Latin
[16:14] <Miles> <comms> so far so good here, we just had to blow a door
[16:14] <Thorn> no, looks more aramaic to me
[16:15] <Viper7> "...Across the destert to the canyon of the cresent moon to the temple that holds..."
[16:15] <Atomic> <comms> "Blow the door into orbit?"
[16:15] <Glantry> It's all chinese to me
[16:15] <Viper7> <comms> i think we did
[16:15] <Viper7> get a good shot of this
[16:15] <Thorn> all right,
[16:15] <Miles> <comms> negative Atomic just the next county
[16:15] <Atomic> <comms> Rockworld has counties?
[16:15] * Thorn gets a closeup
[16:16] <Viper7> <comms> beats the hell out of me, and less chatter
[16:16] * davie shines his light on the writing to enhance thorns recording
[16:16] * Atomic looks up and back towards the gate, as a huge Hatak-class Goa'uld Mothership descends from the clouds and lands next to the Stargate. Several death gliders scream down from the sky and skim over the battle field, scanning for the group, as two Alkesh laden with Jaffa land in a flat area halfway between the outcropping and the cave. The Jaffa slowly begin to disembark and line up outside the relatively large attack craft, wai
[16:16] <Thorn> thanks Davie
[16:16] <davie> helps when you don't have to squint back at the lab
[16:16] <Atomic> <comms> Ummm...guys....problems.
[16:16] <Viper7> <comms> what?
[16:16] <Viper7> <comms> you fell and hurt your finger?
[16:16] <Atomic> <comms> A mothrship just parked on out gate
[16:16] <Viper7> <comms> oh shit
[16:16] <Miles> <cooms> say again Atomic?
[16:16] <Thorn> a what???
[16:16] * Corry utters a word her mother doesn't know she knows
[16:17] <Miles> Yeeps!
[16:17] <Atomic> <comms> A mothership just parked on our gate
[16:17] <Glantry> FCOL
[16:17] <davie> frell, knew I should have brought that third vibroblade
[16:17] <Corry> Who volunteered me for this!!
[16:17] <Atomic> <comms> Nasty troubles
[16:17] <Viper7> <comms> how many ships?
[16:17] <Atomic> <comms> We've got glider squads scanning
[16:17] <Viper7> <comms> ok, avoid contact
[16:18] * Thorn makes her way cautiously to the door of the chamber
[16:18] <Miles> Any back door we can make here Viper?
[16:18] <Viper7> <comms> we'll attempt to link up and get out of here
[16:18] <Atomic> <comms> not sure how many gliders....2 alkesh between us
[16:18] * Corry wedges her way under a rock and wishes she had stolen David's E-11
[16:18] <davie> nice welcomeing party
[16:18] <Viper7> <comms> anyone know the crew compliment of an alkesh?
[16:18] * davie rechecks how many spare powerpacks he has for his E11
[16:18] * Miles moves to the left of the opening behind cover
[16:19] * Thorn mutters something about party crashers
[16:19] * Atomic looks over the Jaffa troops
[16:19] <Viper7> ok, finish up the recordings, we gotta go.
[16:19] <davie> I don't remember, but it was a good amount
[16:19] <Atomic> <comms> A nice thirty Jaffa each, plus crew
[16:19] <Thorn> ok, I am done here
[16:19] * Viper7 removes three blocks of nergon-14 from his pack and hands them to miles
[16:20] <Thorn> three blocks - thats a lot of nergon
[16:20] <Atomic> <comms> Looks like they're our only way out, well, that or we take a Hatak with a few thousand Jaffa
[16:20] <Viper7> we're going to have to destroy this chamber
[16:20] <Viper7> we cant let them find it
[16:20] <Viper7> rig the chamber
[16:20] <Viper7> <comms> alright, what's your position?
[16:20] * Miles starts to set the charges around the chamber
[16:20] <davie> you want to plant one of those specifically to damage the tablet?
[16:21] * Atomic drags Corry to her feet and begins running towards a nearer vantage point, in between glider patrols
[16:21] * Miles sets the detonators to "delay" and rigs the remote
[16:21] * Thorn looks sadly around the chamber
[16:21] <Viper7> don't detonate them yet
[16:21] <Viper7> we'll use the blast as a distraction
[16:21] * Miles moves one charge directly under the tablet
[16:22] <Viper7> oh ffs, brb
[16:22] * Miles leaves the chamber
[16:22] * davie moves to the cave opening
[16:22] <Miles> Good idea Davie
[16:23] * Thorn heads to the cave opening and watches for flyovers
[16:23] <Viper7> back
[16:23] * Atomic sets up the sniper position, while Corry nestles in. "Get ready with those mines, looks like the Hatak's hangar is near them, we could stop any further gliders"
[16:23] * Glantry wonders if the sound of the blast will be heard before the explosion again
[16:23] <davie> <comms> Ladies and gents, I think our friends have nominated this cave already
[16:23] <Viper7> ok, lets get away from the cave before we set that off
[16:23] * Miles moves towards the opening of the cave just within the entrance shadow
[16:23] * Corry grins and pulls the detonator control from her pocket.
[16:23] <Viper7> <comms> atomic, watch those alkeshs
[16:24] <Viper7> everyone ready?
[16:24] * Glantry takes place behind Miles
[16:24] <Glantry> Ready!
[16:24] <davie> ready
[16:24] <Atomic> <comms> Got'em. A patrol is setting out from there, watch yourselves.
[16:24] <Thorn> akk, ready
[16:24] <Miles> Ready Viper
[16:24] <Viper7> alright, we're gonna head out toward the first marker. from there we're gonna take the alkeshs.
[16:24] <Viper7> go!
[16:24] * Miles follows VIper
[16:25] * Viper7 takes off at a run for the marker
[16:25] * Glantry runs like the wind
[16:25] * davie runs after Viper towards the marker
[16:25] * Thorn runs for the first marker
[16:25] * Miles trips the timer delay on the detonators
[16:25] * Atomic spots the Jaffa commander
[16:25] <Viper7> <comms> once we reach the marker, miles set off the explosives
[16:25] <Miles> 10 seconds!!!!!!!!
[16:25] <Viper7> shit
[16:25] <Atomic> <comms> Assassination time, ladies.
[16:26] * Thorn runs faster
[16:26] * Viper7 reaches the rock outcropping with the inscription
[16:26] * Glantry runs faster than Thorn
[16:26] * davie sees a death glider flying over teh top of the nearby hill
[16:26] * Miles runs after Viper
[16:26] <Glantry> 2 seconds
[16:26] * Viper7 climbs over the top and spots the pair of alkeshs sitting a klick away
[16:26] <Atomic> Get ready to blow the mines Corry.
[16:26] * Thorn reaches the marker and hunkers down for a breather
[16:27] <Corry> ready!
[16:27] * Miles falls down begind a rock
[16:27] <Glantry> BIG BADA BOOM
[16:27] * Corry presses the button and a series of explosions ripple out around the gate.
[16:27] * davie lays flat on the ground watching teh cave and approaching jaffa
[16:27] * Viper7 hears a series of explosions sound from two directions
[16:27] <Atomic> Arm yourself
[16:27] <Corry> Now I see why you like doing that!
[16:28] <Atomic> Fun, isn't it?
[16:28] * Corry grins
[16:28] * Glantry grabs a Zat in both hands
[16:28] <davie> cave is gone, they won't be getting anything
[16:28] <Viper7> <comms> How many are still around the ships?
[16:28] <Viper7> good work miles
[16:28] * Atomic flicks the safety off the rifle and slices an even hole in the Jaffa commander
[16:28] <Miles> Crappy timing but it worked anyway
[16:28] * Corry sites on a group of Jaffa and starts shooting
[16:28] <Atomic> <comms> Sixty. Fifty-Nine.
[16:29] <Atomic> <comms> Fifty-Eight.
[16:29] <Miles> Outgoing grenades Viper?
[16:29] * Thorn peers around the side of the marker at the alkeshs
[16:29] <Corry> He counts.... blast him... he counts them <and keeeps firing>
[16:29] <Viper7> alright, Miles, take Thorn and head around and attack from the left, the rest of us will form a base of fire here
[16:29] <Atomic> <comms> Most are heading for the Hatak, looks like it took some major damage.
[16:29] <Viper7> <comms> ok, we'll catch them in a cross fire
[16:29] * Thorn pulls her deathhammer
[16:29] * Miles grabbing Thron by the sleeve "Lets Go"
[16:29] <Thorn> right behind you
[16:30] * Viper7 pushes miles and thorn: "GO!"
[16:30] * davie moves about 10 meters to the right, and lays flat to provide supressing fire
[16:30] * Atomic continues cutting down Jaffa
[16:30] <Viper7> davie, glantry, spread out
[16:30] * Corry takes out another jaffa "When I run out of power, shall I throw rocks?"
[16:30] <davie> <comms> dome
[16:30] * Glantry goes to the left
[16:30] * Viper7 props his E11 on the rock and sights in
[16:30] * Miles fires gernades at maximum range to bracket Jaffa around the Alkesh
[16:30] <Viper7> <comms> open fire!
[16:30] * Thorn heads around to the left of the attack
[16:30] * davie opens up with his E11
[16:31] * Viper7 opens up on the Jaffa heading toward the Hatak
[16:31] * Glantry fires both Zats at the jaffas
[16:31] * Miles flanks to the left with Thorn
[16:31] * Thorn fires at the nearest Jaffa
[16:31] * Atomic jumps into action as the two Goa'uld pilots of the Alkeshes exit the vehicles and begin conversing frantically. The removes one's head and the other's lower torso.
[16:31] * Corry ducks down as enemy fire finally reaches the outcropping
[16:31] <Thorn> Ehhhhw
[16:31] <Viper7> <comms> We can't let those ships lift off. We need them to get off this rock!
[16:31] <Atomic> <comms> Alkesh are clear
[16:31] <Viper7> <comms> good work
[16:31] <Thorn> they are clear now...
[16:32] * Thorn fires at the few remaining ja'ffa
[16:32] * Miles fires his E11 at the jaffa
[16:32] * Viper7 ducks down as jaffa fire converges on his position
[16:32] * Corry mutters "oh great" and moves to Atomic's side. "Gotta plan?"
[16:32] <Viper7> <comms> still heavy jaffa presence
[16:32] * davie fires at a group of jaffa under cover behind a rock
[16:32] * Thorn heads for the open hatchway of the alkesh
[16:32] * Atomic terminetes the few Jaffa attacking the outcropping, then dispenses with the sniper weapon as its powerpack fails
[16:32] * davie begins taking fire from another direction
[16:33] * Miles fires grenades to airburst over Viper's position
[16:33] * Glantry fires that away and kills a few Jaffas
[16:33] <davie> <comms> Vipe, they're flanking us...
[16:33] <Atomic> Kill them.. The best plan of all.
[16:33] <Viper7> gah!
[16:33] <Viper7> <comms> I know!
[16:33] * Thorn makes sure there arent any jaffa in the ship
[16:33] <Viper7> <comms> Miles, clear me a path to the nearest Alkesh!
[16:33] * davie turns top meet the new threat and takes down three of them
[16:33] * Atomic flips up the TER and shoots a Jaffa right in the pouch.
[16:33] * Corry hands her DL-44 to Atomic and pulls her Zat "You're better with this than I am."
[16:33] <Miles> Thorn. Power that thing up & see if we can bring it's weps to bear
[16:34] * Thorn heads for the controls
[16:34] * Atomic reholsters the TER and begins gunning down some Jaffa with the DL.
[16:34] * Glantry fires frantically to un coming Jaffas
[16:34] * Viper7 wonders how miles and thorn got into an alkesh when it's swarming with jaffa
[16:34] <Atomic> Corry, time to move
[16:34] <Corry> I'm your wing!
[16:34] * Miles fires grenades in pattern from the Alkesh towards Viper's postiion
[16:34] <Viper7> <comms> davie, glantry, status?
[16:34] * davie keeps the flankers at bay
[16:34] * Glantry wonders the same thing
[16:34] * Atomic runs towards an alkesh, taking down a few jaffa in the way
[16:35] <davie> <comms> I'm holding them, but I don't know how long
[16:35] <Glantry> <comms> I'm outnumbered here
[16:35] * Viper7 scrambles up over his rock cover and runs toward the alkeshes
[16:35] <Viper7> <comms> Charge!
[16:35] <Thorn> Miles, get in here!
[16:35] * Atomic runs straight up into the alkesh, taking the cockpit
[16:35] * Corry follows Atomic, trying to hit anything while she runs
[16:35] * Thorn powers up the ship
[16:35] * Glantry gets up avoiding enemy fire and charges
[16:35] * Miles enters the Alkesh and makes it to the control room
[16:35] <Miles> Whats up Thorn?
[16:35] <Atomic> I deem thee the first R&D research vessel
[16:35] * davie rolls to his feet and runs frantically, staff blasts sizzling the air all around him
[16:36] <davie> <comms> little help!
[16:36] * Corry laughs and then zats a jaffa.
[16:36] <Corry> I think we're alone now
[16:36] <Atomic> Doesn't seem to be anyone around?
[16:36] * Viper7 fires as he runs down toward the landed ships
[16:36] * Corry sticks her head out the hatch and tries to clear a path for David
[16:36] * Thorn lifts the ship up on its repulor-like hover and heads for Davie postition
[16:36] <Glantry> lol
[16:36] * Miles looks around for anything that looks like a wepon control
[16:36] * Atomic smiles as he lifts the ship off the ground
[16:37] * Corry yells to Atomic - no one else on board!
[16:37] <Viper7> hey what the hell?
[16:37] <Miles> <comms> help's on the way Davie!
[16:37] <Corry> Hey - you want to warn me when you do that!
[16:37] <Atomic>
[16:37] * Glantry runs past Davie.... come on!
[16:37] <Viper7> <comms> get back down here damnit! we need to get on
[16:37] * Thorn lands next to davie, blocking the shots with the ship
[16:37] <Viper7> shit!
[16:37] * davie sees the ship coming towards him and jumps aboard
[16:37] * Viper7 dives under cover
[16:37] * Atomic points out that the alkesh is hovering roughly a foot above ground
[16:37] <Viper7> now i gotta run back
[16:37] <davie> GO GET VIPER!
[16:37] <Corry> I'm on a ship being controlled by a mad scientest!
[16:37] <Thorn> going, going
[16:37] * Miles opens the ramp runs out & starts laying down fire with his E11
[16:38] <Atomic> <comms> Hello, ramp open, all aboard
[16:38] * Thorn turns the ship around
[16:38] * Viper7 gets up and dives into the alkesh
[16:38] * Glantry grabs on as the ship hovers
[16:38] <Atomic> <comms> Just rather not get caught on the ground
[16:38] * davie sits on the edge and provides some cover for Viper and the rest
[16:38] * Corry takes a posistion by the ramp and tries to cover their entrance
[16:38] <Thorn> everyone aboard?
[16:38] * Viper7 runs up to the control room and removes corry from weapons
[16:38] * Atomic flicks up the scanner holopanel
[16:38] * Miles runs back up the ramp
[16:38] <Atomic> <comms> Gliders inbound, four o'clock
[16:38] <Viper7> I got em
[16:39] * davie closes the hatch
[16:39] * Viper7 swivles the energy cannons right
[16:39] <Miles> Allie Allie Oxen Free
[16:39] <Viper7> well, go!
[16:39] <Thorn> oops, this vacation spot is too crowded
[16:39] <Glantry> Nice shooting there David
[16:39] <Viper7> what are we waiting for?
[16:39] <Corry> Great. I know when I'm not wanted. <and runs for the med kit>
[16:39] <davie> you guys want to make a run for it, I think we are space worthy
[16:39] * Atomic called up energy bomb control as he flies the alkesh over towards the Hatak
[16:39] * Viper7 begins firing at the approaching death gliders
[16:39] * Thorn takes atomics wing
[16:40] * Atomic drops a few on the Hatak's bridge
[16:40] * Viper7 adds a few shots from the energy cannons for good measure
[16:40] <Thorn> Miles, I am moving in for a pass over the Hatak
[16:40] <Thorn> you ready on the weapons?
[16:41] <Viper7> <comms> so, you guys think we should leave, or do you wanna play with the gliders that are gaining on us?
[16:41] * Miles arms the Cannon controller he's just found & sights on the Hatak
[16:41] <Atomic> <comms> Vipe, six o'clock high
[16:41] <Viper7> got em!
[16:41] <Miles> Rerady Thorn Just get me in range, What ever this things range is?
[16:41] * Atomic lights up the engines to power
[16:41] <Thorn> erk, this thing handles like a tank
[16:41] <Atomic> We're gone.
[16:41] * Viper7 sights in and fires, clipping one of them
[16:42] * Atomic points the Alkesh skyward
[16:42] <Thorn> we are within range.... Now1
[16:42] * Viper7 swivles the cannons backward
[16:42] * Miles fires at the Hatak
[16:42] <Thorn> whhoohoo!
[16:42] * Viper7 continues firing at the pursuing death gliders
[16:42] * Thorn banks and comes up behind the death gliders
[16:42] * Corry mutters about the lack of seat belts as she slides into a wall.
[16:43] * Glantry aks Davie why Thorn is flying, when we have a pilot on board
[16:43] * Miles fires another blast at the Hatak then swivels toward the gliders
[16:43] * Atomic looks over the schematics of the Alkesh as he takes it out of the atmosphere
[16:43] * Thorn thinks pilots cant run fast enough
[16:43] <Atomic> Hyperdrive...c'mon...I know you're somewhere.....damn it...
[16:43] <davie> LOL
[16:44] * Miles fires at a glider and blasts it to bits
[16:44] <Viper7> <comms> having problems up there? because we've got some behind us.
[16:44] * Thorn watches as Miles hits one deathglider
[16:44] <Thorn> pieces of the first crash into the second
[16:44] * Viper7 continues firing and manages to nail one in the cockpit
[16:44] * Miles aims at a second glider
[16:44] <Viper7> woooooo!
[16:44] <Atomic> it!
[16:44] <Thorn> down two, how many more?
[16:44] <Miles> Thorn, we really need to go Hyper
[16:44] <Corry> You're letting Atomic pick which buttons to push???
[16:44] <Thorn> awwww
[16:44] <Atomic> <comms> Thorn, hyperdrives, the third control, fourth panel from right
[16:45] * Thorn aims the ship skyward
[16:45] <Atomic> I always push the right buttons
[16:45] * Miles firea at the second glider and damages it
[16:45] * Corry mutters "Probably the big red button."
[16:45] <Thorn> lets seee, is that my right or his right
[16:45] <Thorn> oh wait, Ive got it
[16:45] <Miles> Anytime Thorn! We got more COmpany!
[16:45] <Thorn> hold on everyone!!!
[16:45] * Glantry holds on
[16:46] <Atomic> <comms> Vipe, you're gonna lose weapons for a second, so get the last of your shots off
[16:46] * Miles aims at another glider as it fires at the Alkesh
[16:46] <Viper7> <comms> got it
[16:46] * Thorn breaks through the atmosphere in the alkesh
[16:46] * Viper7 fires off a few more blasts, hulling another death glider
[16:46] * davie braces himself for hyperspace
[16:46] * Atomic flicks the hyperdrive into action, generating a hyperspace window large enough for the alkesh to enter
[16:47] * Miles fires at the glider making it swerver away
[16:47] * Thorn figures out atomics terse instructions and does the same
[16:47] <Thorn> all clear!!!
[16:47] <Atomic> Damn these Goa'uld hyperwindow generators.......
[16:47] <Atomic> We're outta here
[16:47] * Corry starts checking everyone on her ship. "What? All that fun and no blaster scorches? No rock cuts? No snake bites? Viper must be losing his touch."
[16:47] <Viper7> <comms> Took long enough
[16:47] * Atomic sends the Alkesh into the window, breaching into the next dimension
[16:48] * Viper7 gives corry a glare
[16:48] * Miles powers down the cannon and heads for the control room
[16:48] * Thorn puts her feet up on the control panel
[16:48] * davie notices that his arm hurst as the adrenaline rush ends
[16:48] <davie> *hurst
[16:48] <Thorn> its a long flight back, take it easy
[16:48] <davie> oh forget it
[16:48] <Thorn> hehehheheh
[16:49] * Corry turns to Viper, "Hey - if I can't fire off the gun, I'll fire off my mouth. It was your choice."
[16:49] <Glantry> éme takes out some beef jerky... herky Dabie?
[16:49] <Miles> seeing Davie looking at his arm> Hurt?
[16:49] <Glantry> darn!
[16:49] <Thorn> Davie, your bleeding
[16:49] * Atomic talks to the ship 'Now then, my new toy, what are we to do with you?'
[16:49] <Thorn> dont drip all over the rug
[16:49] <davie> hmmm...those staff blasts must have been closer than I thought
[16:50] * davie looks down
[16:50] <Thorn> Glantry, take the controls for a moment
[16:50] <davie> Thorn...there is no rug....
[16:50] * Miles pulls his medikit out & hands it to Davie
[16:50] <davie> thanks
[16:50] * Corry realizes that she is locked in a metal box with Viper and Atomic for a LONG LONG time...
[16:50] * davie removes his scorched armor and begins to clean teh wound
[16:50] * Glantry sits down in his rightful place
[16:50] * Thorn takes the medkit from davie and makes him sit down
[16:50] * Atomic walks down from the controls
[16:51] <Miles> You open it up . I'll stick it on your arm
[16:51] <Atomic> Corry, wanna play throe the detonator?
[16:51] * Corry looks around for something to hide behind
[16:51] <Miles> brb
[16:51] * davie hears a scream over teh comms that sounds like Corry....
[16:51] <Corry> LOLOL
[16:52] <davie> must be a frustrating trip...
[16:52] * Thorn finishes patching up davies arm
[16:52] <Viper7> hehe
[16:52] * Atomic laughs, then begins looting through the cargo containers left on the ship
[16:52] <Miles> back
[16:52] <davie> thank you <tests the bandage on his arm>
[16:52] <Atomic> <comms> Thorn, I've got you a present.
[16:52] * Thorn cleans up the bandaid wrappers
[16:52] * Viper7 follows atomic, making sure he doesnt break anything
[16:53] * Atomic triumphantly reveals a Goa'uld gate reactivation device
[16:53] * Glantry starts whisling the the Imperial March
[16:53] <Thorn> Comms> whatcha got Atomic - hey! we can transmit in hyperspace!!
[16:53] * Corry sneaks forward and takes the pilots seat. "I always wanted to fly one of these things."
[16:54] <Atomic> <comms> Goa'uld hypertravel has its advantages. I got us a gate reactivation thingy.
[16:54] * davie moves onto the Alkesh's bridge
[16:54] <Miles> <comms> what're you doing over there Atomic.?
[16:54] <Viper7> are we there yet?
[16:55] <Thorn> oooohhh! one of the round gold ones?
[16:55] <Atomic> <comms> Yah, don'tcha just love looting?
[16:55] <Thorn> Glantry, what does the timer say? how long to real space?
[16:55] <Glantry> 1 second
[16:55] <Miles> <comms> look around for a Sarc!
[16:56] <Glantry> <comms> we're home
[16:56] * Thorn braces as the ship comes out of hyperspace
[16:56] * Atomic hits the wall as the ship exits the hyperspace window
[16:56] * Miles braces on a wall
[16:56] <Atomic> Corry, a warning would've been nice.
[16:56] * Viper7 watches atomic fly across the hold
[16:56] <Glantry> Wow, Saturn is lovely this time of year
[16:56] <Viper7> gotta love grav boots:-D
[16:56] * davie sits down and activates a restrtaing field
[16:56] * Atomic pulls himself up
[16:56] <davie> *restraining
[16:56] * Corry grins and banks hard to port
[16:57] <davie> uhhh, guys....why is Corry piloting....?
[16:57] * Thorn heads to the cockpit and stands behind Glantry
[16:57] * Corry executes a neat aileron roll, without ailerons
[16:57] <Glantry> Farpoint, dead ahead
[16:58] * Miles starts to rummage around in the hold
[16:58] <Thorn> oh goody! I want to run through these holos
[16:58] * Glantry begins docking procedures
[16:58] <Atomic> Gotta love ethereal controls.
[16:58] * davie sees his ship
[16:58] <davie> hey, great, you guys can drop me off here
[16:59] <Thorn> yah right Davie...
[16:59] * davie watches as everyone ignores him...
[16:59] <davie> ah well
[16:59] <Glantry> <comms> Farpoint, this is Group Captain Fett we're coming in
[16:59] * Corry locks the cockpit and leaves the men in the hold as she follows Glantry in
[17:00] * Miles finds a small packing crate in the hold
[17:00] * Glantry slowly pilots in docking bay
[17:00] <Thorn> Miles? no personal looting now...
[17:00] <Atomic> <comms> Thorn, I'd like to order a few dozen naquadah reactors, a few surge protectors and some helpers.
[17:00] <Thorn> <comms> heheh, for what?
[17:01] <Miles> <comms> Hey Viper!
[17:01] <Atomic> <comms> Fun time, of course.
[17:01] <Glantry> <comms> the eagle has landed!
[17:01] * Corry slows the ship and enters the docking bay.
[17:01] * Corry groans and tries not to scratch the paint as she lands
[17:02] * Thorn mutters "just a few DOZEN reactors, that ALLL?"
[17:02] * Viper7 wakes up
[17:02] * davie watches Corry plough her ship into the far wall
[17:02] <Viper7> are we there yet?
[17:02] <Corry> ARRRRRGGGG
[17:02] * Glantry turns the enfine off and removes the key
[17:02] <Thorn> dont forget where we parked!
[17:02] <Atomic> Watch the paintwork! I only have three payments left on this thing!
[17:02] * Corry contemplates hiring two guys named Guido to deal with her "David" problem
[17:02] * Miles pulls the lid off the crate
[17:03] * Glantry gets up and heads for the exit.
[17:03] <Viper7> ok, we're here and we're done:-D
[17:03] * davie reminds Corry that he owns the rights to the fanfic....
[17:03] <Corry> :(
[17:03] <Miles> OOOO! Hey Thorn. Wanna case of Zats?
[17:03] <davie> :D
[17:03] * Thorn wanders back into the cargo hold
[17:03] <Corry> ploughed? Did you way ploughed? Not just bumped?
[17:03] <Corry> *say
[17:03] <Thorn> ooooh, a matching set!
[17:03] <Glantry> <comms> That's it folks everyone out
[17:04] * davie exits the aft hatch
[17:04] * Miles holds up a Zat in each hand to Thorn
[17:04] <Thorn> very nice
[17:04] * davie sees a single engine sticking out from under the Alkesh
[17:04] * Atomic sets a steering lock then exits via the ramp
[17:04] <davie> ahhh, Glantry....I think you found that missing A-wing....
[17:04] <Thorn> ((OUCH!))
[17:04] * Corry meets David and the deck and pokes him in his bandage
[17:05] <Miles> I think you should do better shooting with these than the last time
[17:05] <Glantry> D'oh!
[17:05] <Corry> Have a little accident there David?
[17:05] <Viper7> possibly
[17:05] <Corry> Don't know when to duck, do you?
[17:05] * Atomic nods to the tech outside, "Take everything in the hold of this ship to my lab, plus one of the bombs in the bay.
[17:05] <Thorn> ahh, this should be fun
[17:05] <davie> kind of hard to duck when where you need to be is a foot off the ground
[17:05] <Corry> Don't look at me - Atomic was driving
[17:06] <davie> sure
[17:06] * Atomic perks up his ears
[17:06] * Miles walks out down the ramp & out of the ship
[17:06] * Viper7 gives the tech a look. follow those orders and you forfit your paycheck for the next 3 weeks
[17:06] <Atomic> I heard that.
[17:06] <davie> BTW, Corry...didn't you check out an E11 from Jantz....?
[17:06] * Atomic considers zatting Vipe
[17:06] * Corry goes pale and runs back into the ship, looking for her weapon
[17:07] * Atomic tells the tech to ingnore the General, he's just a little disorientated
[17:07] <Acid> I wouldnt recommend that Atomic...he's a grouchy General...
[17:07] <Viper7> Acid!
[17:07] <Viper7> How'd you like to have an Alkesh?
[17:07] <Acid> <shrugs> you are
[17:07] <Miles> Hey Thorn. You think a double holster rig woth Zats would look OK?
[17:07] <Viper7> you can take Atomic's
[17:07] <Acid> most people that get shot with a zat are a bit annoyed...
[17:07] <davie> so, Acid...learn anything interesting after observing us?
[17:07] * Atomic throws Acid a zat
[17:07] <Atomic> Go man! Go!
[17:07] <Atomic> Oi.
[17:08] <Atomic> My alkesh.
[17:08] <Acid> you guys have way too much OOC interaction, apart from that it seemed fine...evaluation passed
[17:08] <davie> LOL
[17:08] <Thorn> sniicker!
[17:08] <Corry> We only shoot straight if we are mouthing off
[17:08] <davie> yeah, not exactly a normal mission for me anyway....
[17:08] <Corry> Yes it is - you got hurt
[17:08] <Viper7> is miles still here?
[17:08] <Corry> Absolutley normal
[17:08] <Miles> Right here Viper
[17:08] <Acid> lol, I dont mean character interaction...I mean when you're talking as yourselves during mission time...
[17:09] <Thorn> ohhh look Corry, Conwy is waiting in the control room...
[17:09] <Viper7> yea
[17:09] * Corry groans
[17:09] <Viper7> this one got confusing
[17:09] <Viper7> my fault:-S
[17:09] <davie> actually I was refering to being disconected and the repeated religious order Corry
[17:09] <AtomicCD> Gah
[17:09] <AtomicCD> .
[17:09] <Miles> No kidding
[17:09] * Viper7 takes a case from Acid's hand
[17:10] <Viper7> Ten HUT!
[17:10] <Acid> <grins>
[17:10] <Glantry> @ attention
[17:10] * Miles snaps to Clicking his heels
[17:10] <Viper7> Miles, step forward
[17:10] * Thorn pulls her self to attention
[17:10] * AtomicCD drapes a certain dead snake around Corry's neck, "Eau d'Rattler"
[17:10] * Miles Is innocent O:o)
[17:10] <Miles> SIR!
[17:10] * davie snaps to attention
[17:10] * AtomicCD stands at attention
[17:10] * Corry comes to attention, snake intact
[17:11] <Viper7> For services above and beyond the call of duty, it gives me great pleasure to present you with this
[17:11] * Miles takes two steps forward two step to the left in font of Viper
[17:11] * Viper7 hands miles his Captain's insignia
[17:11] <Viper7> Congratulations Captain
[17:11] * Thorn applauds
[17:11] <Acid> yeah, well done...
[17:11] * Glantry claps hands
[17:11] * davie claps
[17:11] * AtomicCD claps and smiles.
[17:11] * Corry applauds "Bacta rules"
[17:12] <Acid> drinks in the bar are on Miles :D
[17:12] <davie> congratulations Captain
[17:12] <Miles> <Saluting> Thank you SIR!
[17:12] <Viper7> In addition to your promotion, you've been placed in command of Alpha Company
[17:12] <Viper7> congratulations
[17:12] * Viper7 returns Miles's slaute
[17:12] <Corry> more work for the wicked... er ...weary
[17:12] <Thorn> I think you are right on both counts
[17:12] <Viper7> Heh heh
[17:13] * Miles performs about face & returns to postion in ranks
[17:13] <Viper7> at ease folks
[17:13] * Glantry starts breathing again
[17:13] * Atomic releases the beer belly
[17:13] <Viper7> drinks are on Miles

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