Kuat Drive Yards
Imperial-class Star Destroyer
Despite being the most iconic warship of the Empire, many Star Destroyers have now found their way into New Republic fleets.
Known Examples:
Dark Steel: Eighth Imperial Fleet - Captured
Defected to the New Republic in 49:3.
Death Hammer: The Triumvirate - Active
Flagship of Admiral Keller. Survived the Battle of Krialon, but current status is unknown.
Dread: Eighth Imperial Fleet - Destroyed
Destroyed in 46:6.
Hunter: Rogue Squadron - Active
Formerly Predator until captured at Endor. Scrapped and later repaired. Assigned to Rogue Squadron in 46:5.
Keshmari Resilience: Keshmari Navy - Active
Formerly Raging Storm. Captured by the Keshmari in 51:8.
Malice: Eighth Imperial Fleet - Destroyed
Involved with the Advanced TIE Project. Destroyed in 47:5.
Predator: Eighth Imperial Fleet - Captured
Captured at the Battle of Endor.
Raging Storm: The Triumvirate - Captured
Captured by the Keshmari in 51:8.
Strider: Imperial Union - Destroyed
Destroyed in 49:10.
Vengeful Justice: Imperial Union - Destroyed
Destroyed by the Dukhang in 50:6.